Chapter 51

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Thank you @SabaCreations
for this gorgeous trailer. I love it. Guys, you must check it out because it's lit! And, thank you Ruhani for telling me about this.

Enjoy reading!


The water closed in around, filling me with a deep dread. A sense of anguish, more so than pain had taken rule of my heart. My arms and legs kicked out desprately trying to make it to the surface but the dark indigo water swirled around me, trapping me, keeping me from the oxygen I needed.

I was drowning and slowly black began to seep at the edge of my vision. I opened my mouth to breathe but only got salty water in; the taste being foul and unclean. Red and black splotches danced before my eyes and from my lips came an explosion of fascinating bubbles, moving away at a peculiar angle. My brain started to panic and clawing through the thin air, I choked feeling the compressed pressure which was forcing my lungs to burn as if they were on fire.

Bubbles brushed my cheeks as I sank deeper into the bed of water. In moments, maybe I'd be floating like seaweeds and nothing of my flesh and bones would remain other than decay in the currents. I didn't want to die. Not like this. But it was getting too hard to try and fight so I let the struggle of my limbs quieten. Maybe, the world would be a better place without me in it. Seconds went in blur. Sinking down to the cold, dark bottom of the sea, I did shut my eyes close letting death take over me.

When I stopped fighting against the current, more fully against death, I could feel myself drifting deeper giving up the sincerest longing to make it to the surface. The current carried my body in whichever way it preferred. My nose became dysfunctional and heart, almost freezing in the icy water when suddenly a faint sensation of someone clasping my wrist occurred. But it was too feather-like to be felt. Unaware, my eyes were closed until I felt a tug around my fingers and suddenly my senses shot back forcing a huge gasp out of me.

My breath was without break swelling; body fighting to keep my eyes open amongst the ripples when unexpectedly from a distance what appeared got my world shaking. As the colours of sunset was seeping through surface, in the light, I could see a face becoming clearer to my blurred eyes. With her dark hair open as clouds, eyes smiling like cotton candies and lips closed like a hundred year old mystery, she swam close to me and all my struggles to breathe promptly stopped.

With few long blinks, I could only figure how close she was coming  and amidst all the darkness I could still call her to be the brightest light. There was something in her spirit and those eyes. Those damn eyes. Shallow stars or galaxies or they could be the entire universe.

She floated closer to me, only to remain inches away from my face and my hand on its own rested on her waist. Maybe, I pulled her closer or it was just the current but in that moment, I wouldn't even have noticed if all the mountains in the world crushed or the hills became dust. A smile conquered her lips which brought a faint one on mine too. Gently, she placed her hands around my collar towing me up towards the surface and the peace on my face just looking into those eyes could end a war.

With our heads up the surface, my breathing was mingling with hers and everything else felt divine. The yellow ball of fire changed to hues of orange, and then almost tangerine just in the gap of our faces painting her cheeks with a warm touch. Somewhere there was a treasure in the way her eyes felt like my second skin and her heartbeat, music mixed with the soft sound of water. So here, in the briny deep where her fingers moved slowly around my outstretched ones, my urge to get this unnamed connection deeper soared. And, I did that one thing which first came to my mind.

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