Chapter 50

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T  w  o      W  e  e  k  s     L  a  t  e  r


With a sudden flash of lightning, the perpetual darkness was defeated before it went back to being all black. The rain hit the outside walls like it would seep right through or wished to wash the quietness like a river would rise. My legs were stretched on the mini table before where I had all kinds of powders and pipes scattered but eyes, strictly and hardly at the window. Just when my eyes were getting adjusted to the pitch black darkness, sudden new path of zig zags cut through the stormy blanket of grey.

'H..hello, Sir?'

'Ah, Abhimanyu....yes.'

'Sir I-I..'

'Where's the damn girl?'

'I-I.....One doesn't know. I haven't been able to locate her yet. Her roommate Aaliya couldn't say a word.'

'...Are you telling me a flesh and blooded girl vanished in the thin air? Is that what you're implying?'

'I..looked for her everywhere and I'm not lying.'

'Very well. Then you do one thing. Start looking for her again and you won't go home till you bring her before me.'

'Um y-yeah sure. J-just give me some more ti-'

'Fifteen minutes. That's all you've got.'

'Sir, fif-fifteen minutes? How can I-'

'If I were you, I wouldn't want to waste time talking.'


'Hello? I know you still there.'


'I'm positive that you're gonna bring me some constructive news the next time you call me which is exactly in ... fourteen minutes and thirty seconds. Ah yes, one more thing. We otherwise don't want someone else to make enquiry about where the hell Abhimanyu Sachdev went missing, do we?'


It's always like a fucking horror movie in my head. Or, I just love writing the scenes of my life that way. My eyes in the dead blackness were stony looking at the grandfather clock which was only thirty seconds away from ticking fifteen minutes. I was in a calm rage which was advancing towards a conclusion with a devil on shoulder.

It's about time.

Pinching the paper between my fingertips, I rolled it back and forth to pack the cocaine down into its final shape. Licking its sides, I sealed it from end to end staring at the piece of art in my hands. Oh how I was just a moment away from a gorgeous euphoria when my eyes suddenly moved up to the clock as the lightning struck painting my black vision momentarily electric white and it was only a matter of couple of seconds. Drumming fingertips on the arm of the couch, I dipped my fingertip into the powder - quickly kissing my tongue and soon as I did, some hysteric grin took over my lips. I lived for shits like this in life.

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