Chapter 1

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Princeton Club,
25 Earl Street,
Chandigarh- 160098

"Manik Manik Manik Manik Manik"

The crowd kept hooting whilst the bouncers were having the toughest time of their lives restraining the crazy fans from reaching their favourite superstar. The name was on everybody's lips and girls took it in a way like like it'd wash away their sins.

The hall was themed in beautiful, sensuous neon lights and the maddening crowd kept waiting, shouting and dying impatiently since past four hours; excitement never touching ground. The deejays, anchor and the organisers were breaking a cold sweat persuading the longing fandom of the one of the most successful actors in the country that the heartthrob would be there any moment.

It was the speciality of this human being which made him unique and shine like one of the brightest stars - his unpredictability. What Manik Malhotra does, why he does and when he does is only known to him and nobody tries to get in the way even.

"Just get in touch with Manik's assistant the soonest you can else this crowd will beat us black and blue." The event head shouted at his assistant in the backstage who nodding his head swiftly ran outside with his phone.

"Navyyyaaa! This is the last time I'm telling you to stop. I swear to God if I don't get to be on the first row..." Nandini Murthy, one of the craziest addition to this fandom who definitely had the potential to slaughter her only best friend right now who's stuffing her mouth with all sorts of snack available at the display on buffet.

"Jesus, what? I'm hungry Nandu? We have been waiting here since past six hours even before they opened the gates for God's sake? Is it psycho of me to feel hungry? Moreover, we don't even know when that moron will come!" Navya spat dashing another deliciousness parting her glossy lips. "We don't even know if that moron will come at all."

"Bitch, don't you dare call him that because I don't know what you'll do with the rest of your life with a snapped neck. And you stupid listen, the anchor is saying he'll be here in ten so let's go." Nandini kept dragging her friend who getting hold of a pillar, showed all shades of disobedience.

"Since past one hour the stupid anchor has been saying this only. I'm telling you, all our money went down the drain. If he doesn't come, I'll ask for refund. I mean, he's famous for his erratic head so I won't be surprised if I find him partying hard in Ibiza right now when idiotic girls like you are jumping for him." Nandini said no more other than staring at her best friend, deadpan.

Navya sighed trying her luck once more. "Listen to me, it's 11:20 already. Let's go back otherwise don't expect me to coax your parents when they don't let you in." She warned her crazy friend knowing very well that even if the world was falling apart and Nandini is spared a last moment of her life, she'd run to kiss posters of Manik Malhotra. Fangirls, I tell you.

"Navya, if you're done blabbering then let me tell you which I suppose you already know. I, Nandini Murthy, can risk it all in life even if it means doing the slightest bit for my favourite superstar. Rings a bell? He definitely will come. He has to come." Nandini's hopes shone in her eyes like two sparkling stars. Navya, knowing there's no point in shoving some brain in her idiot friend's thick skull, simply shook her head.

"Come on? Why do people get friends to concerts? So that they can enjoy together but looking at your face is making it so obvious even to people who aren't looking at us. God, look at that side. See? That gang of girls is having the time of their lives. Event people are taking pictures, so lighten up bitch." Nandini gave a super fake mixed with annoying smile to the one who was the most ill fitting one there.

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