Chapter 19

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After like so many days, the fangirl is back to her job. Having reached my apartment, I indulged myself in two back to back movies of Manik. Sometimes I laughed, sometimes screamed, sometimes fantasised whilst the rest of the time flashes of his soft black hair teased by the air on the cruise were bright in my mind. It indeed was a special night. Although sometimes he being a total ass misbehaved or threatened me with things that killed me for that moment but deep down in my heart, I knew he could never hurt anyone intentionally.

Switching the light off, I pulled the sheet over and stretched my body on bed with a smile that never faded away since the time he drove me home. This's reality.


And after a long, reality felt better than dreams.

My thoughts came to a halt as a sudden yellow light peeped through my glassed window which seemed like a torchlight signalling something. The light was there for a fraction of seconds slitting the darkness and then vanished.

I kept focussing on the window in case the light again came into sight. My heavy lids closed as I was tired to the core but again the sharp twinkling of the light dazed me. Hurriedly, I switched the bedside lamp on and to my surprise so long the light inside my room was on, no other light keeked through. Pressing the home button of my phone, I realised it was 2:53am. Someone blinking a torchlight aiming at the ninth floor seemed strange. Maybe a mistake?

As I switched the light off, the torchlight again blinked disquieting me. Swiftly, I moved to the window and peeped but to my fluster, there's nothing. Not even a street dog.

Nonplussed, I slowly walked to my bed and sat down gaping straight at the thick curtain. I checked the time on my mobile again and realised fifteen minutes have passed. For a second, I heaved a breath of relief as within that duration, the light didn't reappear. I drank a little water to moisten the dryness in my throat and fixed the pillow back on my bed to lie down.

I lied down curling a lose strand in my finger when suddenly the light trespassed making my pulses race. For a second, I sat numb on bed but I knew I was alone and I had to deal with it. Licking my lips, I extended my shaky hands to remove the curtain and the moment I stood by the window, my senses flipped.

The car.

That same bloody car.

That black Range Rover.

I stepped back until my knee touched the edge of the bed and with a thud, I flopped on bed.

This meant that the murderer knew my address and that he was intentionally playing with my mind. He tried to terrify his prey and enjoy the cloud of terror he blinded my sky with.

He followed me?

Quickly stepping out of my trance, I switched the light on and checked the locks of my door. I came tiptoeing to my bed and sat down pulling my knees closer and needless to mention that how I was sweating and shaking. This was a nightmare which turned true. I measured my each breath as if someone would hear me. Palming my mouth, I exhaled slowly. I wanted to drink some water but the thought of walking up to the kitchen seemed suicidal. The room was filled with dense air where the pounding heartbeats of mine echoed making it worse.

I don't remember for how long I sat there coiled up fighting the demons that my own head was building up and slowly when it was early morning, my lids joined and my frame weakly strewed on the bed.

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