Chapter 32

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I lived my life as an unlit firecracker; he met me shortly after I set myself on fire.

Manik was so mysterious in ways that he wanted you to get inside his head although he wanted to keep parts as secret. Trust me, I could write poetry about his eyes and love stories about his body and still, he wouldn't have an idea.

I smiled looking at the bursting of hundreds of firecrackers slitting the chest of sky, rising high up with a hissing sound and decorating it as if it was her wedding. It was the Diwali night, a night of which I used to stay scared all the year frightened because of all the gigantic massy sounds produced same as like the thunders. I was never really much into burning crackers, rather enjoyed the view of millions of celebrations engaging the sky for a night alone. Generally, back at home, I'd decorate my house with diyas and sparkly wires, design a beautiful rangoli, exchange gifts and wear new clothes but the view I was having from the terrace of Grey Petals was worth calling unforgettable.

The night sky was a bride with millions of fireworks going on it like her ornaments. Standing at one corner in my colourful lehenga, I kept thinking about the night before. How in the morning I sneaked out without waking him up, how my heart rejoiced noticing that even though in deep slumber his hands were absolutely kept to him, how the morning felt waking up on the same bed beside him in his penthouse. Through out the day, I didn't get to see him even for once because he was shooting for a commercial and I was rotting at office but then I guess, getting too addicted to your boss ditching your work is pure savage.

I pretty much disliked the Diwali night at Grey Petals where every colleague around me rejoiced bringing one or two members from their families and even though I had my friends there, yet I was alone. Maybe, I missed Chandigarh or I missed Manik not being at that party. I couldn't actually agree with my other colleagues when they rejoiced the news that Manik wasn't coming to the party. He never comes to office for Diwali party which made me contemplate that if he at all liked Diwali because he's the man who preferred darkness and so this was the night exactly opposite to what his soul was comfortable with.

Aaliya and Harshad for a number of times tried dragging me to the centre where all the fun was happening but I tactfully shook it off saying I was in mood to check out the desserts.

Even after three delicious cups of chocolate sundaes, I couldn't get my mind to enjoy and stop thinking about Manik for a single bloody second but then I suppose, it was late for he was scored in my heart already. He was too isolated in life to be abandoned in my thoughts.

Ultimately, tired of all the nagging, I had to give in and join Aaliya who also had Dhruv beside her on the terrace of Grey Petals and Harshad and few other staffs who I got along with. It was not that bad but not what I could say even after every laughter, my mind didn't go back to the thought of Manik. I was curious to know how he was spending the festival when I knew everyone he knew was celebrating it with or without him. Maybe even his family too.

"Harshad, I'll just come from the washroom." I excused.

"Do you want me to come?" He spoke casually.

"Inside the washroom?" I taunted him creasing my brows and he laughed moving his hands in a no before his chest.

Giving a friendly slap on his bicep, I excused myself from the crowd of people and thousands of drum-crackers deafening me partially. Managing my way downstairs, I literally had to slap my ears to get back to normal hearing process while my eyes still were visioning dots and white shadows, courtesy to all the lights up in the sky and smoke which obviously was causing nothing but pollution but I think, there were the happiness and togetherness that turned every sin into a pleasure as long as the innocent animals are safe.

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