Chapter 14

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There was something about the unknown, the quiet, the cold. There was something unspoken about the dark, something he could never put in words to. Something terrifying yet beautiful. His darkness couldn't be explained. The dark flames came to him when everything around was gone. Darkness was nothing but then...darkness was everything.

Sparing a glance at the wall clock, Manik discerned it already struck 7. His stylist and hair stylist were constantly at work, one styling the silken handkerchief and bowtie while the other was busy fixing his hair with some gel in order to make him stand out in the award show. He selected one of the watches from the options of the best of the best lying before his eyes and clasped it on his wrist and checked himself out in the mirror.

His eyes were constantly impatient and it could be well perceived by the number of times they were shifting from the watch to the mirror.

He gestured the men with his hand to leave.

"Sir, but the creases o-" his stylist still had some work left.

"Leave." Manik ordered.

Gaping at each other, the staffs signalled one another that it was better to obey him than argue.

"Put the light off." He commanded which again made them clueless as after being red-carpet ready, The Manik Malhotra tried to focus on the darkness and not rush to reach the venue.

The poor guys having no other alternative did what they were asked to.

With a single tap on the switch button, the lights turned into darkness and the colours turned black, the only colour he knew. The room got dauntingly dark with a tinge of feeble blue neon light coming from the border of the mirror.

He forged ahead towards the mirror and looked down at his hands which were quivering. He balled up his fist to strengthen those palms but as he released they still were trembling.

"Relax Manik" He whispered to himself closing his eyes.


But the tension in his face was well observable which he wasn't in any plan to hide. He breathed. Louder and heavier, like one does usually before collapsing. He blinked harder and laid his eyes on his frame in the mirror.

"Dad, Dad please. You know na I'm... I'm scared of dark. Dad I beg of you, please take me out of here."

"Dad please.....please get me out of here"

"Dad.... I didn't do that, trust me please?"

"I..... I didn' that..... Dad I'm scared. This....this darkness...."

The ten year old banged on the door harder to be audible outside.

"Dad hands are shaking."

"Dad....... this dar darkness...."

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