Chapter 7

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The gnawing of my hands didn't let me concentrate on any other thing at all. They were paining, itching, bleeding and when I wrapped them with my handkerchiefs, they started burning so much at the touch.

"A little quicker, please?" I requested the cabby. I needed to reach that goddamn address the soonest so that I could get back to my apartment to treat my hands better.

Looking down at the white handkerchiefs which turned red, I realised my blood pressure dropping. How could Manik be that way? Couldn't he care as a human being even? What was wrong with him?

The driver halted the car announcing I reached my destination and taking a swift look at the enormous building before my eyes, I shooed away my thoughts and paid the driver. I grabbed the files tighter in my hands trying the hardest not to put any stain on them.

Having rang the bell, I stood outside calmly blowing some air on my hands until a middle aged man dressed in a brown tux was on the door with quizzicality in his eyes.

A tux at this hour?

"Um. Mr.Sahai? Nandini Murthy from Grey Petals." I informed. His eyes fell on my red handkerchiefs but he pretended to see nothing before flashing me a smile.

"Oh yes yes, Manik told me over phone. Please come inside." I tried giving a composed smile and followed him inside.


The room was dark with a weak yellow gleam and one person awaiting in his cabin, maybe for some catastrophe. He was the best and worst at being unpredictable. Silently sipping his whiskey neat, he looked like someone foreseeing a storm welcoming it with a drink. Revolving his chair, Manik stood by the large glassed window looking at the city through venoms of hatred and disaster.

"Abhimanyu!" Manik called his manager while getting inside his car after the shoot became a massacre.

"Yes sir?" Abhimanyu knew his boss surely was up to something, he wasn't a man to let anything go.

"The light that shattered inside, I want its glass pieces at my cabin before I reach the office." Abhimanyu stared open-mouthed at his boss not deciphering anything meaningful.

"Glass pieces? But sir why?" He questioned. His boss who was about to step inside his luxurious car turned around keeping his one hand on the roof of the car and other on his assistant's shoulder.

"And since when exactly have I given you the audacity to question my orders?" He glowered at the poor Abhimanyu who lowering his eyes mouthed a sorry and the car sped off.

Manik smiled victoriously. Victory and power gave him immense peace that no ladylove in the world could give. Be it a little thing or a massive one, Manik had to win and he always has his ways. He turned his head to glance upon the floor where that poor's blood stains painted the floor but not a single glass piece.

"Now that's what I call spotless clean." He sniggered throwing his head back; hands in pocket.


There were few bottles of wines on the table and the light of the room was dark red which was somewhat intimidating but the pain and lightness of my head had me ignored every popping question in my mind.

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