Chapter 4

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It had been three weeks that I had joined Grey Petals but to my bad luck, couldn't get the opportunity to have his single glance. The city had welcomed me with lots of warmth and I didn't feel lonely anymore after I got two psychotic friends here in the form of Aaliya and Dhruv accompanying me everywhere. Dhruv used to work in Actor Aryaman's production company 'The Shimmer House' and Aalya was working along with me in Manik's production house as the Art Department Coordinator. They both were in a relationship and Dhruv being Navya's friend could never leave me alone to die myself and that's how each time I ended up being a third wheel on their date nights.

My office was one of its kind as nobody could say that it was one production house and not any multinational stock exchange company. The theme of the office was polished white and matte silver. Staffs always had to be dressed in the best of brands. No decor was there in any filmy way, no posters, nothing. All this while Manik was busy with his outdoor shootings and each day I kept waiting for him to show up.

On the contrary to Manik's presence, this city taught me so much about The Malhotras which all the news channels couldn't apprise. Now, allow me to give you all a little introduction about The Malhotras.

The Malhotras ruled the entire film industry since generations. Manik's great grandfather and grandfather both were veteran actors and his grandmother was one glorious classical singer. It was his father who was the initiator into this film production business amidst his family members and some of the movies produced by him were at the top of the ladder but no one could tell anything about Mrs.Malhotra, Manik's father. His other uncles were notable and hit directors- actors but the title of The Malhotras got split in two halves when the two sons of Mr.Prithviraj Malhotra, Manik Malhotra and Aryaman Malhotra parted their titles ruining the history of their family. Aryaman took over the dominant production house which his father started while Manik formed a production company of his own which equally was top notched. Nothing more could be learnt about them as one brother never shared the same roof with another whether be it any award ceremony, movie premiere or family function and their relationship was a mystery that they themselves never wanted to unfold.

"Madam, here we are at the Red Thorns Club." The cabby informed.

It was Dhruv and Aaliya's plan to make the most of our ever-so-boring lives and get somewhat wasted. It being the costliest of nightclubs obviously made me rethink my decision of having agreed to their plan but the self-harm was already done.

"Guys, where are you?" I called Aaliya up.

"Hey babe, we have already got in. and left your pass with the bouncers outside. Just tell your name and contact number and they'll let you in. Cya." Probably it was the loud music inside which made it difficult to discern her words.

Hastily I went to the entrance but to my displease there was a huge queue, all thanks to some moron who spread the hoax that Manik Malhotra would be coming to the club. Oh wow, bite me.

Pushing and shoving the hormonal glitches, I made it to the bouncers but my eyebrows cringed hearing them deny that there was no pass left with them in the name of Nandini Murthy. Requesting them repeatedly only had me earn groans and angry sighs from the people behind.

"Miss, in case you haven't realised you are holding up a big queue. Could you kindly move to a side and let the next person come in?" One of the guards scrunched his eyes, informing.

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