Chapter Thirty Eight

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You hadn't seen him again after that. The boys came and went as they pleased, often heading out midday and not coming back until late in the evening and tomorrow was going to be another day without him. Another day with that dull ache in your heart. But, you'd continue being happy. You had two beautiful babies who were turning one tomorrow, you had six men who were honestly reverted back into children when your children decided to play along. They were similar to him in many ways, the cold exterior for a split moment until they trusted you, the colour of their hair which was borderline raven black, their little noses. But then their eyes, as the boys had told you, were exactly like yours. Bright, full of curiosity and love, not a little bit of hate.

You loved those two babies, you love them if they start screaming, if they decide to vomit up their milk and food on you, to when they look up with their wide eyes at you whilst you laid with them on the sofa and told them stories.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by a gentle hand resting on your back. "Are you okay?" Jungkook looked at you with concern as you realised that you had just put your hand against the banner on the wall that you were pinning up, and hadn't actually stuck the pin in.

"I'm fine." You smiled softly, pushing gently until the pin held the birthday banner to the wall on that side. "I just got stuck in my own thoughts, sorry."

"It's okay. It's getting late, take yourself to bed and the rest of us will finish it off." He smiled gently and you shook your head.

"I'm the only parent that's about." You sighed gently, walking to the sagging side of the banner. "I'd feel terrible if I didn't do it."

"Ahhh, do you need help then?"

"You can blow up those balloons over there if you want."

"Anything to help you out." He grinned and headed over.

You woke up to the baby monitor letting their cries of hunger tear through your sleep, and you rolled out of bed and trudged to the room. You had gotten to bed three hours ago after decorating the room, wrapping presents and then watching a film with the boys, and quite frankly you were ready to roll into bed and just sleep.

You entered their room, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you walked to their cots and you hummed gently, scooping them both up. "Don't cry, it's okay..." You whispered, carrying one on either hip before walking downstairs where Seokjin was working in the kitchen.

"One birthday breakfast coming up, along with two bottles of milk!" He turned as you entered the kitchen, two bottles in his hands.

"And one helper to help you feed them." Taehyung spoke from behind you, causing you to jump slightly.

"Every single morning you do that. I should be used to it by now." You laughed gently. "Thank you Taehyung."

"It's no problem." And instantly once the twins realised who was speaking both of their attentions turned to their uncle. Taehyung took Eun-Ji, the girl of the two who instantly moved her head towards the bottle causing Taehyung to chuckle and to head to the arm chair with a bottle and you headed to the sofa with the other bottle. Yoon-So who was the boy of the two was a lot more chilled than his counterpart and let you bring the bottle to his lips.

Yoon-So's hand reached up and rubbed your ear which was a habit of his whilst feeding, whilst Eun-Ji's habit was wrapping her tail around the arm of whoever was feeding her as her ears twitched.

It was strange to think that this time a year ago, they weren't even born yet, they were ready, and you were in agony all day until you felt that trickle down your leg and caused all six boys to panic and now your little babies were one year old. You smiled softly, closing your eyes in content and tiredness.

"There's a delivery!" Hoseok grinned, running to the door and opening it. You looked up, eyes opening once more as you saw the man juggle three parcels in his hands, desperate not to drop any. "Ones addressed to Yoon~ One's addressed to Eun~ and ones addressed to you!" He announced and placed the three parcels on the sofa.

Once the boys had left the room with the two children to burp them since they only released their burps whilst being walked, bounced and patted on the backs, you turned to the parcels. You opened the children's first, knowing they wouldn't understand the concept of opening them.

In Eun-Ji's there was a little plush rag doll and a birthday card and you instantly knew who had sent it. If the handwriting wasn't a dead giveaway, the little hint of cologne was. You smiled and opened Yoon-So's. In there was a stuffed bear and another birthday card. You set them aside for the two later and you looked at your slightly larger parcel, gulping.

Your shaking hands ran against the cool cardboard and you opened it, instantly hit by the cologne he always wore yet didn't use a lot of because it irritated his nose, but you liked it. You saw a little box on the top along with one of his sweaters underneath and you felt the tears automatically well in your eyes.

You opened the box and saw a simple silver band inside and you felt the tears fall. You were knelt on the floor, slipping it onto your right hand since it wasn't a proposal or anything and you pulled the sweater into your chest as you took a deep breath, surrounded by his cologne.

Suddenly, you missed him more than ever, and suddenly you felt all alone.

Dangerous Love // Hybrid!BTS AU - Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader //Where stories live. Discover now