Chapter Eight

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You looked at the timid, injured hybrid lingering behind you.

"Miss Y/N you're back!" Taehyung grinned and threw his arms around you. "We got so worried- Who's that?"

"This is our newest member Yoongi." You smiled softly. "I'll go get him cleaned up and then we can have something to eat okay?"

All six hybrids in front of you stood on edge, yet nodded.

You gestured for Yoongi to follow you, which he did, up the stairs and you lead him to the bathroom.

"We'll get you cleaned up in the bath, and then we can get you some clothes." Your voice was gentle. He looked over at you, his mint green hair had roots coming through. "She dyed your hair?" You bent over, running a hot bath for the injured, dirty, hybrid.

He nodded as you looked back at him when you stood up.

"Any particular bubble bath you want?" You gestured to the range you had, each one the boys had chosen, one for themselves and one that they preferred on you. He walked over gingerly, as if you were going to hit him if he did something wrong before sniffing at the air.

He picked up a more piney scented one, similar to the one Jimin liked before sniffing a bit more and handing it to you.

"I like this one too." You smiled softly and emptied some of the bottles contents into the steaming bath. "If you want to undress and get into the bath, I'll go get some clothes ready for you." He nodded once more and started undressing.

You walked out the bathroom and headed to Jimin's room.

They were roughly the same height so one of Jimin's oversized sweaters should fit him, and so should a pair of the jeans.

So you gathered them up along with a clean pair of underwear straight from a pack and carried them towards the bathroom. You knocked gently before entering.

His eyes lingered on you briefly before his eyes dropped back to the water that was being coloured with blood and dirt.

"Do you need help?" You asked gently, thankful for the placement of bubbles surrounding his body. He hesitated before nodding.

You walked over grabbing the shampoo and knelt on the floor beside the bathtub, reaching up.

You washed his hair, his eyes everywhere else in the room but you. Every now and again you swear you could hear the faint purr, but you weren't too sure.

You sat on the closed toilet seat and scrolled through your phone.

"Uhh. Miss Y/N." He spoke quietly, his voice low. "I'm done."

You looked over as he stood up, causing a squeak to leave you and your head to snap back down to your phone.

You gulped hard.

The hybrid wasn't built too strong, but there was definitely slight muscle definition there.

You had to admit, he looked undoubtably sinful stood there with the droplets of water rolling down his skin.

"Miss Y/N, what's wrong?" He sounded frightened.

"Yoongi, wrap yourself up in the towel please." Your voice was quiet and broken, you shook your head, forcing the image out of your mind.

He was in front of you next, almost wearing the large fluffy towel like a cape as he held it to cover his ears, his tail flicking from under it.

"Let's dry you and your hair before you get a cold."

You had realised once the boy had tried drying his hair with the hairdryer, that he didn't know how.

So now you were sat behind him, him in between your legs, your chest against his back, drying his hair.

Once the hair dryer turned off, his purrs were audible. You hesitated before running your fingers through his hair. He nuzzled into your hands.

You couldn't help but smile at the action.

Dangerous Love // Hybrid!BTS AU - Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader //Where stories live. Discover now