Chapter Two

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It had been three months since Jimin had been staying with you.

"Jimin~" You whined quietly as the cat hybrid was determined to get your attention over the work you were completing at your desk. His head was buried in your neck as he nuzzled there, his soft furry ears against the crook of your neck. "I need to work."

"Please Y/N~" He begged softly. "I just want to cuddle and nap!"

You had quickly learnt that Jimin's favourite thing to do with you was cuddle and nap as you petted him, rubbing at the base of his ears to send him to sleep.

"Half an hour Jimin." You sighed. "Then I've got to go back to work."

He nodded excitedly, un-straddling you and making his way over to the bed a few paces away. You sighed softly placing your pen down and joining him in the double bed. His head immediately tried nuzzling you, determined to get the attention he desired.

"So impatient." You sniggered at the needy kitten. Your fingers ran through the blonde tufts on the top of his head and he let out a low purr before you got to the base of his ears and his tail wrapped around you as he purred deeper.

You had also realised, there wasn't really a time when this boy stopped purring when you were petting him. He could have been asleep, eating, reading, or watching a movie, and as long as your hand was on his head playing with his ears or hair he would purr.

His arms wrapped around your waist gently as he pulled you closer to him.

"You're stressed." He mumbled softly one eye lazily peeking open. "Nap, it always makes you feel better."

He also grew to know you so well within these three months. With the soft vibrations of his purring and his rhythmic breathing, you were asleep in seconds.


You woke up to Jimin prodding your side.

"Y/N!" He cried out, fear evident in his voice which caused your eyes to snap open and your brain to go into overdrive.

"What is it?" Your voice was laced with the nap, which ended up being at least two hours long like it usually did.

"I smell a dog~" He pouted. You sat up slowly, the night moon seeping through your curtains and you sighed.

"I'll go look, you stay here-"

"No! Don't leave me!" He cried out grabbing onto you tightly to keep you anchored to the bed.

"I have to go look, unless you want to come with me?" You sighed looking down at his pouting face, his tail around you in an attempt to keep you with him. He hesitated before nodding and pulling you out the bed. "Where is the smell coming from?"

"Front door." He mumbled, his hand linked with yours. He knew he wouldn't be of much protection to you if a mutt was to attack you, but he would definitely try. You saved him, so he knew if it came to it he would save you.

You walked down the stairs, feeling the occasional sweep of a tail against your side. You smiled softly and walked to the door, looking at him. He nodded and pulled a disgusted face.

"It definitely smells of mutt." He huffed. You opened the door and saw a male knelt there with dog ears and a tail. Tears streaming down his face.

You let go of Jimin briefly, kneeling down to be on eye level with the male.

"Are you lost? What do you want?" You kept your voice gentle and he wiped his tears away.

"I did nothing but make her happy and she said we were going to the ice cream shop- She left me in the forest!" He sobbed. You offered a hand to him as you stood up.

"Do you want to come in?" You met his eyes, Jimin tensing behind you, his arms wrapped around your waist.

The male at your doorstep looked up at you and the kitten hybrid behind you before wearily taking your hand.

"I won't hurt you, you can trust me." You smiled softly. "I'm Y/N."

"I'm Hoseok." He spoke shakily.

Dangerous Love // Hybrid!BTS AU - Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader //Where stories live. Discover now