Chapter Ten

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"Something is wrong with Y/N." One of the boys whined as you sat on the couch, muttering swear words beneath your breath.

"She smells different." Jungkook commented nearing you.

A growl left Yoongi's lips as he sat beside you, his tail flicking warningly at the rabbit who ran to hide behind Namjoon and Jin.

"She's having her period." Jin spoke, all boys froze with that word and you glared at Jin. He didn't react.

"I know how to help!" Jimin spoke smiling. "My old owner used to have them bad, she needs painkillers, a hot bath, chocolate and probably a movie that's emotional."

You watched the TV in front of you, Yoongi's hand grasping yours tightly. That's when babies appeared on an advert laughing and smiling.

You, being rather emotional, cried.

Yoongi tensed beside you.

"She also needs products to stop a leak?" Jimin sounded confused at this part. "I never understood how a human can leak, but that's what my owner told me so-"

"Jimin, Jungkook and I will go and get you everything you need then!" Jin smiled knowing that the young rabbit was itching to get away from the deadly glare Yoongi was offering. Jin, surprisingly, knew how to drive so when he picked up your car keys you didn't complain.

That could have been because you were still crying over the advert that had ended a few minutes ago.

"I'll go run her a bath." Yoongi spoke lowly standing up.

That left Taehyung, Hoseok and Namjoon stood there and you sat there.

"I'll keep Y/N company-" Hoseok grinned, his tail wagging in happiness.

"You can sit beside her, but touch her and you're getting fed to Namjoon." Yoongi spat. Hoseok cowered slightly before sitting beside you, making sure he didn't touch you in the slightest.

"Why is he so protective over her?" Hoseok pouted. Taehyung nodded in agreement.

"It could be one of two things." Namjoon sat gently beside you, he had very much taken over the leader role of the hybrids so showed no fear when he wrapped an arm around you gently. "He's being protective of a way of repaying her for saving him or-"

"What did I say?" Yoongi growled. Namjoon stood up, making eye contact as a way of challenging the Panther hybrid who looked like he was ready to kill Namjoon.

You stood up, ignoring the pains in your abdomen and cupped Yoongi's face gently, Namjoon knew you weren't siding with Yoongi over him. It was just Yoongi was the angry one, not him.

"Yoongs." Your voice was barely above a whisper, but you still yelped quietly in surprise when he pulled you as close as possible. "Calm down."

"Let's go get you in the bath. You stink of him." Yoongi mumbled dropping the eye contact with Namjoon and pulling you off out the room.

"Or he hasn't realised it yet but she's his mate." Namjoon spoke quietly. But you still heard it.

Yoongi admitted to himself as he sat there beside the bath as you laid there, everything covered by the white bubbles, that you smelt wonderful to him, even if you were going through a change.

Yoongi also admitted to himself after five minutes or so of trying to remember how you washed his hair, he didn't know how to wash a humans hair.

"Are you feeling better?" His voice was quiet, causing one eye to lazily open and glance over at him.

"It's relaxing." You hummed. After a few minutes of awkwardness earlier, you had gotten used to Yoongi being in the bathroom with you whilst you were naked.

"Good. I used the one that you used the other day. It smells really nice on you." He was on about the bubbles.

"Thank you." You smiled softly closing one eye over. You laid there for a while longer before getting Yoongi to turn, since he refused to leave you, as you washed your own hair and your skin.

That's when you realised that you had no clothes in the bathroom with you, and you were not running through the house in a towel whilst you were bleeding-

"Yoongi?" Your voice was quiet again, he turned and saw you hidden behind the side of the bath, bubbles revealing slight bits of skin. He couldn't help the small smile that landed on his lips at how cute you looked. Then he noticed the small blush and he raised an eyebrow.

"What is it?"

"There's no clothes in the bathroom for me and I can't go get them myself because..." You trailed off the blush on your cheeks getting darker and he chuckled ever so lightly that you barely heard it.

"Anything in particular you want?" He stood up and you made sure you are hidden properly before he had a chance to glance.

"Something warm and comfy, but baggy!" You smiled. "Oh and over the underwear uhhh-"

"Nothing to lacy and fancy, can't have them ones ruined can we?" The sentence left his lips before he could register it and he darted out the room, his own cheeks now sporting the same pink yours were.

Dangerous Love // Hybrid!BTS AU - Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader //Where stories live. Discover now