Chapter Twenty Nine

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"I'm sorry Jungkook." Yoongi scratched the back of his neck looking at the, still slightly frightened, boy in front of him.

"It's okay." He spoke quietly, eyes drifting downwards. You smiled as Yoongi pulled the boy into an embrace.

"Y/N, can I get my hair done again please?" Yoongi looked from the boy, to you. "My roots are showing and..."

"Of course, does this mean it's shopping day?" You smiled. Jungkook perked up at this. "You all need clothes for the winter, right? So why don't we all go out?"

Jungkook and Yoongi both nodded. "Shall we go tell the others to get ready?"

You nodded.

"Jin-Hyung... my scarf won't sit right and it's irritating me!" Jimin pouted as you walked. All of you had woollen hats on, the cold winter air nipping at the exposed skin. The hats covered up their ears as well.

You stopped, turning to see Jin roll his eyes for the tenth time as he fixed the kittens scarf again. You knew it was just an excuse for attention as soon as the purr left Jimin. The boys sniggered and continued walking.

Upon arriving at the mall, their eyes lit up in excitement.

"Last time I was here was with my previous owner." Hoseok whispered as his hand held yours, his eyes wide in awe.

"Should we head to that shop first?" Taehyung pointed towards a small shop before Namjoon started to steer you towards the pet shop. His hat twitching.

"Look at the bunnies Y/N!" He grinned. The rest of the boys stood together looking around.

"Namjoon, we have Jungkook already." You laughed quietly, taking his hand and guiding him back to the group. "We're here for clothes and hair dye for Yoongi. It's getting cold outside which means less sunlight which means-"

"NO!" Jimin cried out. Snapping your attention to him. "That m-means the good basking spots in the house will be gone!" Everybody around you were looking at you. You sighed softly.

"Jimin..." You hugged him softly, seeing Yoongi tense up. "But it also means it's warm milk season again~"

His eyes lit up.

You giggled softly smiling at his behaviour.

"Let's go shopping." You smiled, Yoongi's hand slipping into yours.

Dangerous Love // Hybrid!BTS AU - Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader //Where stories live. Discover now