Chapter Thirty

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A/N: This is gonna be a whoLE LOTTA FLUFF SO HOLD ON TO YOUR FEELINGS! Fluffy Yoongi inbound~

The rest of the boys were packing their clothes into the rooms, Yoongi was laid across your lap, tail wrapped around your leg lazily as you ran a hand through his freshly dyed black hair. Soft purrs left him as he tugged the fluffy blanket around him tighter - eyes glued to the TV in front of the both of you.

It had been ten minutes like that, low and soft purrs continuously leaving his chest.

Your eyes drifted to the window as your hand stopped at the base of his ears, tangled gently in his hair until you noticed the snow falling.

"Miss Y/N! It's snowing!" Taehyung came bounding downstairs- startling Yoongi who jumped out your lap, the blanket flying to the floor. His tail whipping about with protectiveness. You giggled softly when his body relaxed seeing it was only Taehyung. He crawled back onto the couch and pulled the blanket around himself once more.

"I noticed-" Before you continued your sentence Taehyung cut you off.

"Can we go play in it?" He grinned. You nodded smiling, Yoongi grumbled in your lap.

Yoongi stood in the doorway as you and the six boys were having a snowball fight, laughing at the reactions of everybody as they played about in the snow.

"Yoongi Oppa! Why don't you come outside?" You called meeting his eyes. He shook his head, hugging the coat closer to himself as he stood in the doorway.

The boys went about throwing snowballs when an idea came into your mind.

You balled up some snow before throwing it in his direction. It hit the wall beside him and on impact, snow covered his hair and ears causing his ears to twitch.

"Who did that?" He yelled seeming angry. All the boys pointed at you and a smirk was on his lips. He took small steps outside before he scooped up a bigger ball of snow and threw it at you.

You squeaked as the snow hit you.

"Min Yoongi~" you whined. "It's on!"

That brought you all to a full blown snowball fight.

Yoongi held your red hands in his slightly warmer ones. He blew into his hands which filled them with warm air and warmed your hands up slightly.

"This is why I don't like snow." He chuckled. "Everybody gets cold and wet."

"But we had fun, that's all that matters." You smiled.

"We did, but let's get you inside and in a hot bath." He scooped you up before you had a chance to say anything.

Dangerous Love // Hybrid!BTS AU - Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader //Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ