Chapter Nineteen

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All the boys smelt the change in you by the end of that day, the smell they all knew far too well from Yoongi.

You were laid with your head on Yoongi's lap and your feet on Jungkook's. Eyes closed as Yoongi's hand played with your hair gently, the other holding your hand.

"She's finally content, she's accepted it." Namjoon whispered from the otherside of the room as the TV played in the background.

"Accepted what, Hyung?" Jimin asked, purring as Hoseok played with his hair.

"Her mate, she's stopped fighting the fact Yoongi is her mate." Namjoon whispered and you couldn't help the smile on your lips as you laid there. "She's also ready for him."

You couldn't help the blush climb onto your cheeks, which caused Yoongi to smile himself however you couldn't see that. You sighed in content as Yoongi continued playing with your hair until you felt yourself drifting off.


You woke up in your own bed with Yoongi protectively holding you close as he scrolled through his phone. You smiled softly seeing his face all relaxed compared to the colder look he had around everyone else. You smiled resting your head on his chest.

"You're blocking my view." He mumbled softly, a low chuckle on his chest. You smiled reaching your hands up and rubbing his ears. He let out a low purr. "N-Nevermind..." His eyes closed as his head fell back. You heard his phone drop to the bed beside you both as his purrs grew louder.

"I love how you turn into a big softie just for me." You giggled softly, looking up at him.

"I will-" He went to threaten you but all you had to do was increase the ear petting and he purred loudly, a slight moan mixed in. His cheeks became flushed.

"Are you okay there Yoongs?" You giggled softly, unable to deny what the sound was causing in your body.

"P-Perfect..." He mumbled. "More, please!" He begged, you lifted yourself up properly, you were now straddling him as you leant down petting his ears.

You didn't deny him of what he wanted, soft mewls leaving his lips until he quickly pushed you off. You yelped in surprise and he looked like he wanted to apologise, but at the same he looked so sinful sat there with flushed cheeks, parted lips and half lidded eyes.

"I need to go shower, I haven't today." He mumbled standing up and running out the room. Your eyes followed him to the door until he shut it and you heard him running.

"But you have showered today." You mumbled.

"Miss Y/N!" Taehyung burst in, the other hybrids hot on his heels. "We heard you yelp, are you okay?"

"I'm fine-"

"It stinks of..." Namjoon hesitated, as if thinking of the word. "It's not quite sex but close enough. Is everything okay? Where's Yoongi?"

"He went to... shower..." It finally clicked in your head on why the boy had lied and went for another shower today. Your cheeks flamed up and you hid under your sheets. "Get out!" You squeaked.

Dangerous Love // Hybrid!BTS AU - Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader //Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя