Chapter Thirty One

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You were wrapped up in the fluffiest towel you owned between Yoongi's legs as he dried your hair. His own hair already dried.

Your neck was littered with small and dark bruises from when he couldn't keep himself to himself in the bath.

You leant your head back on his shoulder once your head was dried. Both of you enjoying the warmth and the almost silent atmosphere - minus the faint mumble of talking from the other boys in the house.

"I love you." He whispered quietly making your heart skip a few beats.

"I-I love you too." You replied softly and he pulled you as close as he could.

"I say we leave those towels on the floor and make ourselves nice and warm?" His lips were back on your neck.

You were all piled on the sofas in the living room watching a film, you were lounged on top of Yoongi and the boys were all near each other and you two to keep warm.

You smiled to yourself. You enjoyed this, the family bond you had between you all. Before you knew it, your thoughts had taken you off to sleep.

When you woke up a flash was in your face, and you blinked slowly seeing six of the seven boys over you with your phone in their hands.

"They're awake! Run Jimin!" Taehyung threw your phone to Jimin, Yoongi growling warningly from underneath you as Jimin took off, sprinting away from the both of you with your phone in his hands.

Yoongi gently pushed you off him before stalking after the younger cat hybrid.

"Don't break my phone!" You yelled sleepily after the two of them before laying back down.

"You two just looked cute~" Seokjin grinned. "We wanted you to be able to see it. But we weren't expecting Yoongi to wake up."

"Y/N!" Jimin cried as he ran back into the room, Yoongi hot on his heels. He hid behind you as you sat up again.

"They woke me up." Yoongi huffed gently. "Assholes." He muttered.

"Here's your phone." Jimin spoke from behind you and slid your phone into your lap.

The boys chuckled as you raised your eyebrow at Yoongi. "They woke me up too." You spoke calmly. "But I'm not calling them assholes."

Yoongi shrugged and picked you up and you quickly grabbed your phone. "I'm going to bed. Don't wake us up this time." He spoke lowly.

Once you two were tucked up in bed, you cuddled into Yoongi, trying to get comfy like the two of you were earlier.

"I can't get comfy." You whined quietly. He chuckled softly.

"That's because they woke us up."

"Assholes." You joked giggling, hearing the boys yell in objection throughout the house.

Dangerous Love // Hybrid!BTS AU - Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader //Where stories live. Discover now