Chapter Six

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"It's my turn for cuddles!" Jimin pouted as the six hybrids argued over who got to cuddle you.

"If you're all going to argue, I won't cuddle any of you." You spoke back, they had been debating this topic for twenty minutes and they still wanted to watch a film. They all turned to you, pouting.


"I've got a headache, I'm going to head to bed." You mumbled standing, the boys faces all lit up with panic as they sat you back down on the couch.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Their voices had dropped in volume.

"I've just got a headache." You smiled. "I'm tired, I'll be fine tomorrow morning."

"Take some painkillers!" Taehyung ran off to the bathroom where the medicines were kept. You couldn't help but smile wider at their concern for you.

"I'll be fine, I promise." You stood again before you were swept off your feet by Jin.

"Let us at least care for you, like you have for us!" He grinned. You didn't have the energy to argue back and just let him carry you to bed.

You had been sick for a few weeks, all six of your hybrids making sure you were cared for during that time.

You thanked and repaid them by treating them all to takeaway, and their favourite meals.

In the time when you were sick they washed your hair for you, helped you change out of your clothes, made sure you were hydrated-


So when you were back and up on your feet they worried just in case you weren't better.

But you were, and you were afraid that if you didn't go back to work they'd fire you.

So that's what you did, you walked to work this morning and now you were walking home. It was slowly edging to autumn, the coldness slowly starting to seep in.

It could have been the season change that made you feel different inside. But you weren't too sure.

Something definitely didn't feel right, that was for sure.

This feeling lasted a few days until it progressively got worse to the point the hybrids noticed you weren't able to sit for longer than a few minutes, you were constantly a lot more stressed and it didn't matter how much napping you were doing with Jimin, you couldn't de-stress.

"It could be us." Namjoon spoke truthfully. "If a hybrid has a strong bond with their owner- Sorry a human, if they were slightly upset or stressed the human would feel it."

Everyone looked at each other before shaking their heads.

"None of us are stressed."

By this point your fingers were drumming against your thighs before you stood up grabbing your jacket.

"I'm going to go for a walk." You spoke hurriedly, suddenly wanting freedom from the house.

The boys didn't even get a chance to acknowledge you leaving as you were already out the door and halfway down the street.

Something was dragging you outside into the mildly bitter weather, a storm threatened overhead. You looked up at the sky.

You needed to move faster.

Dangerous Love // Hybrid!BTS AU - Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader //Where stories live. Discover now