Chapter Thirteen

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You sat in anticipation to see if you had returned too late with the suppressants, Namjoon and Jin were dosing up your panther hybrid.

You were sat on the floor by the door of Yoongi's room with your legs against your chest. Your head resting there.

If you were too late, you were kind of worried. Namjoon suggested you would have to be in work every day for a week, including weekends, just so he didn't take you.

You let a quiet yawn last your lips, your heart pounding in your chest.

"Hey~" Yoongi spoke lazily, dropping down beside you.

"Just in time, he'll still have urges but he can control them now." Namjoon explained and you nodded looking over at a very spaced out Yoongi. You lifted your head from your knees and rested it on his shoulder.

A simple action you did to all the boys shouldn't get your heart racing. Not this much-

"Thank you." He mumbled. "I didn't want to hurt you if I lost control."

"It's fine." Your voice was quiet and his tail flicked gently. "C'mon lets get you back to bed." You stood up and hoisted the spaces out Yoongi up from underneath his armpits before literally dragging him to his bed.

He mumbled inaudible things until his head hit the mattress.

"It's been torture sleeping without you." He mumbled quietly as he reached out, grabbing your hand. "Don't leave."

You couldn't say no to him, more so in the state he was in now.

"I won't." You whispered quietly and within a few minutes of you laying next to him, he had fell asleep. You smiled softly his soft purrs as he slept sending you asleep.


"What's your opinion on dating a Hybrid?" Hoseok asked as you two sat in the kitchen as Jin made breakfast.

"I don't see the difference between a hybrid and a human," However with his question, your mind automatically shifted to Yoongi. "Why?"

"I..." He trailed off. "I was just wondering."

You nodded, your mind flashing back to what Namjoon had said about Yoongi's protectiveness of you.

"Good morning~" Taehyung waltzed into the kitchen, a boxy grin on his lips, your eyes drifted up to him and he kissed your forehead sitting beside you-

"Kim Taehyung you best not have kissed her on her forehead." Yoongi's voice startled you all. You looked from Taehyung to the doorway where Yoongi stood. His eyes had turned to slits and he was breathing heavily.

"Shit, Hoseok go wake Namjoon." Jin whispered, and Hoseok nodded sprinting past the angry panther in the doorway. You stood between Yoongi and Taehyung gingerly, reaching a hand out towards Yoongi.

"Yoongs..." Your voice was quiet as you slowly approached him. His eyes were still slits, he was fucking pissed-

"Y/N!" Someone yelled and you felt yourself hit the wall, a yelp of pain leaving your lips. You sat on the cold tiled floor trying to regain your breath from shock.

"Shit- Y/N!" Yoongi yelled and you shied away. He froze in the spot.

"Yoongi. Go to your room." Namjoon's voice filled the air, the authority in it made even you tremble. Yoongi turned and sprinted off. You slowly pushed yourself to your feet, wincing slightly.

"Are you okay?" Jin's eyes were filled with concern.

"I'll fucking kill him." Namjoon seethed. You nodded smiling slightly.

"I'll just be bruised." You stretched out, wincing a little bit more. "I'm going to take a shower, I have work soon."

The boys nodded and you walked upstairs.

Dangerous Love // Hybrid!BTS AU - Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader //Where stories live. Discover now