Chapter Seventeen

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Yoongi darted up sensing something was wrong, he checked the time seeing that the reason for your absence was because you were in work.

He calmed down slightly but he couldn't shift the off feeling he felt.

"Yoongi, what's wrong?" Jin mumbled from the other side of the fort.

"Something doesn't feel right-"

"She's in work." Jin mumbled whilst rolling over, trying to go back to sleep. "She's fine."

"Can we go visit her?" Jimin perked up looking at Yoongi with wide eyes. "I really want a milky hot chocolate and only she can do it right."

"I guess so." Jin groaned sitting up. The three of them got up out of the fort and went about getting ready to go out.


Jin pulled to a stop and Yoongi smelt it before Jimin and Jin did. He leapt out the car, not bothering to put on his hat to cover his ears. He ran up the street towards the café and anger bubbled up inside of him when he saw the glass of the café shattered, the scent of you lingering.

"Jin Hyung!" Yoongi cried out looking down the street seeing Jimin and Jin nearing. Their eyes widened when they saw the mess.

"E-Excuse me, did anybody see what happened?" Jimin asked shakily to the group of people crowded around. The breeze carried a scent that made Yoongi have to turn and vomit at, causing worry from Jin and Jimin.

"What's wrong?" Jin rubbed the back of Yoongi as he retched.

"The smell, can't you smell it?" He whispered angrily.

Jimin smelt up before his eyes glossed over.

"That's-" Jimin dropped to his knees, narrowly avoiding the vomit.

"They've took her." Yoongi stood up straight, his head spinning. "The people who changed us into what we are have her."


"Even though you're a human, you'd be a healthy mating partner to even the strongest of hybrids." You were tied to a chair in a warehouse that smelt of animals. You knew that much at least. "I think we auction her like we would the hybrids, sell her off to the highest seller as a human who'd produce such healthy babies for hybrids."

"Imagine how much we could get for you." One of them leant down, unable to see their facial features in this light. "We might scrape even one million for her. Get the bitch to prepare her for auction, she's going on tomorrow."

Dangerous Love // Hybrid!BTS AU - Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader //Where stories live. Discover now