Chapter 15- The Trick To Confessing.

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~Saiki's POV~

Weekends, some people hate them, most love them but one thing is for sure they are the worst points in my life, right around now (Y/N) comes around in Sports gear demanding I wake up to train. It's been almost a few months now and we are getting hardly anywhere it is honestly hurting my head. But, today there was no knock, no hellish screaming and no (Y/N) in clearly expensive sports clothes. Just silence. This was hurting me even more, today I had prepared, I was ready but here I sat waiting, hours passing by.

By the time it turned ten I gave up and lay down, worried. Unexcited even, where the hell was the annoying psychic? I went to the door, opening it to go and see them, only to step on something rather harsh and snap it slightly. I Looked down at the floor, finding the person I had just been wondering about face flat, I seemed to have broken their hand bone, but that was the least of my worries.

Their stomach seemed to be red, covered in it. The floor was coated in red, a large puddle of it surrounding them, but I had heard no gunshot, sounds of stabbing, no screams I would've been able to help, so what happened? I sighed angrily at myself, trying to hold myself together picking up her frail figure in my arms and walking inside. How couldn't have anyone outside at least notice, what looked to be a dead person on the floor? I placed them on the couch, feeling for their pulse. Thump... Thump... Thump... the feeling of beating as their, they were alive, I quickly screamed for Kusuke to get down the stairs looking around the room for medical equipment, anything of the sort at most, nothing. I'm so pathetic, I couldn't even look after the one I loved most, I never even got to tell them...

Kusuke came down the stairs perplexed.
"what's the problem little brother, you sounded-..." he cut himself off looking at the lifeless body and the tears that were slowly starting to roll down my face. 

~third persons POV~

"don't worry, we can fix this little brother," kusuke said, putting his arm to his brothers back giving him a side hug.

"I-its just that I never got to tell them how much that I l-love them," kusuo spat out, anxious and sad, tears escaping his eyes more and more. Kusuke smiled a cheeky grin, one filled with happiness, accomplishment. Kusuo became confused by the sudden change in his mood, a slight cough being heard from behind his ear. 

Kusuo turned around, his lips gently gliding slightly passed the now well, alive looking (Y/N), Kusuos face flushed a bright pink, his eyes lighting up slightly as he struggled to find his words. "shhh" (Y/N) said, looking over to Kusuke, gesturing for him to leave right at that moment. he obediently followed, (Y/N) staring right into Kusuo's eyes now. "Don't worry about me so much okay? I'm just, just an annoying brat okay," (Y/N) spluttered out, tears rolling out of their eyes.

Thanks for reading. hope you enjoyed the chapter.

(word count- 542)


-edited 2-

Thank you for sticking around so far we're almost there! -4/9/2021-

-Shanny ^^

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