Chapter 9 - A Small Game.

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A rather largely built man carrying me and Saiki struggling to get to me only to be held back by none other than his own brother. Saiki pushed past his brother not wanting to use his psychic powers. I tried to teleport read their minds or warn someone, but my powers weren't working and by the look of it, Saiki's refused to as well. Then I felt something hard hit my head, and I looked into the abyss of eternal darkness. 

~time skip~

I woke up on a damp floor, cold chains against my ankles and around my wrists, as I looked Kusuke dead in the eyes. "So what are you doing with me?" I asked annoyed by what he had done.

"Just playing a small game with Kusuo, as it seems I can never win, but now I've taken you and it seems his powers have dimmed. I can't help but wonder why."

I thought back to Kusuos' bland purple eyes, and the way he could perfectly stare into my soul. I couldn't think about a time where he had cried or broken down in front of me. He can't be panicking, could he? I looked around, saddened when my eyes lay on a small power signal. Maybe I could forcibly tap into my powers use clairvoyance and teleport to Saiki. "Sorry for dragging you into this, but I couldn't afford to buy more sweets for him this next game, as my company is in a small debt. But you seem to have made an impact," I sighed. Kusuke isn't actually that bad, this is testing Saiki in extremely tough situations, this could be good for him.

"Okay, I guess this works then," I say simply pulling off the chains. "Not enough strength protection for my powers" I stated sitting down at his desk on a chair. I slowly span. "So Kusuke, How is Saiki doing now?" I asked walking up behind him placing my chin on his shoulder and facing him. 

"Here," Kusuke said, lighting up a projector that shown Saiki on the ground on a corner with a dead look in his eyes. "I mean he won't move this isn't much fun," 

"I'll give him a small boost," I said tapping into my mind-reading skills. 'Saiki help Kusuke is keeping me captive and- ahhh~' Kusuke grabbed my arm to pull me somewhere accidentally making me moan lustfully slightly. 

"Woah look, he started looking now," Kusuke said fascinated by what I had done.

"I did a bit of mind restoration," I said sitting on the bed in the corner of the room, blushing slightly at the small mistake I had just made. 

"Okay mind putting this on?" asked Kusuke as he handed me a cute headpiece. "I got an order from my company and they want me to make headpieces for girls so sit still for a while," he said putting on different headpieces and taking photos. "That should do,"  

Then the door to his room opened and...


Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

(word count- 514)


-edited 2- 

I hope you're all good at being patient, I'm getting there though!! I'll also be responding to all the comments I have gotten before I make a new chapter! I love saying what my readers have to say about my books, as usual, let me know if there are any gender mistakes or just mistakes in general in the writing as I am just doing a quick double read!! -4/9/2021-

-Shannon PEACE OUT

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