chapter 11- The Secret Is Out.

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"I'm ready to go!"  I shouted to my mom while getting to the last few steps of the staircase.

"Okay dear, You have to behave yourself today okay?" she said as if I had done anything to embarrass her before. "And why do you need all that coffee jelly?" she asked me.

"Just trust me, mom,"  I said looking around. "Where is dad is he coming?" I asked her.

"No he has work, now let's go before we're late," she said going up to the door and unlocking it.

"Okay okay," I said walking out the door behind her, as we travelled to Saiki's house which was 5 seconds away. She knocked on the door, she looked tense, so I decided to use one of my specialized powers, the power to control the moods around us to calm her down. Saiki's mother opened the door smiling.  

"Hello, Miss (L/N)! (Y/N) so nice to see you again!" she said looking at us. My mom gave me the look that meant that she was going to find out how I already know this family, I'm not going to lie I'm kind of scared for my mom to find out the fact that I spent the weekend in a boys bed and a boy that I'm not even in a relationship with at that. "Come in!" 

We entered the house, and I looked around, blushing to see everyone dressed formally for some reason. They even made Saiki wear a suit. Saiki was tense, so naturally, his thoughts were free reign, so I decided to see what he was thinking. '(Y/N) looks so pretty, wait Saiki no its not like that' he was fighting with himself, so I looked at him and sent him a small message.

'Kusuooooo~ you look good too' I sent that thought to his head, smiling and blushing slightly. He blushed wildly, as I looked over to Kusuke, sending him a small wave. I looked over to their father, smiling. as we all went to the kitchen table. "Oh, right Kusuo, these are for you!" I passed him the bag of coffee jelly and his eyes lit up. 

'Are you an angel?' he asked me through my thoughts. Making me blush slightly.

'If you would like to think so' I sent back at him winking, whilst no one was looking.

Everyone was talking at the table, about each other. "So how do you know (Y/N)?" My mom asked the question, which I really didn't want to be answered correctly. Saiki blushed, not knowing what his mother knows. I decided to read her mind.

'Should I tell her that they did their art homework and then they slept with him for the weekend?' thought Saiki's mother.

'Kusuo do you hear what your mom's thinking?' I asked, but before he could respond, his mother said something I never imagined she would say out loud.

"(Y/N) is in most Kusuos school classes, I met her when she came over on Friday to do an art project and ended up staying over and sleeping with Kusuo the whole weekend. I'm pretty sure that she even got a fever one day."


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!!!

(word count- 539)


-edited 2-

Thank you for reading, I have updated this one too now! I'm super excited to finally write chapters for all of you again! I'm almost ready to as well!!! -4/9/2021-

-Shanny ^^

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