Chapter 14- Going Out With Friends.

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

School ended, and we decided to go to a nearby cafe to start off, then go clothes shopping and end with a horror movie. I honestly don't like horror movies, but everyone else is down for it, so I'm just going to have to go along with it. I don't want to mess with the supernatural more than we already are, so Horror movies scare me so much. We finally get to the cafe, I sit in front of Kusuo, Kusuke next to me. I ordered a crepe, Saiki ordered a coffee jelly, the rest ordered castella cakes, Manju and yoku to share together.

We were all talking, when the deserts came. we started to eat, when I started to really crave the Manju they were all sharing, but I just sat there picking at my crepe. I must have forgotten to block my mind or something because the moment I looked up, Saiki shoved a Manju into my mouth I felt heat rise to my cheeks, as the others looked at us. I silently carried on picking at my crepe, everyone else diverting their attention away.

After eating, I was forcefully dragged into a clothes shop by Teruhashi, everyone else behind us. So we had a few things we needed to get, one swimsuit because we had been told that we had a trip to Okinawa soon, two a couple of casual summer outfits, because why not and last but not least I really need some pyjamas, because if Saiki is planning to keep this sleeping together thing up, then I need a few decent pairs of pyjamas. We started to look around when I found the swimsuit that I wanted. It was an (f/c) swimsuit, that has a load of stripes on it. we carried on looking around, when Teruhashi found one she thought Saiki would 'absolutely love' it was a baby blue swimsuit, a two-piece, with a giant bow hanging from the centre of it, and a pair of baby blue shorts, disguised as a skirt. Then Chiyo found one it was yellow and had a giant bow on the front like Teruhashi's though, her two-piece bottoms were plain, with two small bows on each side of her outer thighs. Then I went off to find a casual summer outfit, finally settling on a red short-sleeved shirt, and white shorts, also deciding on a blue shier and jean shorts. Finally, I decided to get three pairs of pyjamas, I eventually settled on a pair of gaming pyjamas, with sort arms, and short shorts. Next was a simple (f/c) onesie, and last but not least I settled on a pair of pyjamas with sushi on them. We paid for our clothes and walked outside to see Kaido, Nendou and Saiki waiting for us, for some reason have chosen not to come in.

We went to the Cinema, buying six tickets for Anabelle  We sat down, I and Saiki decided to wear geranium today so that we could hear no one's thoughts, not even each other. I sat down next to Saiki, blocking Teruhashi from sitting with him, so Kaido unwillingly sat down, I bet he is scared to death already, I thought giggling, as Nendou, who was behind him sat down. Both Teruhashi and Chiyo are probably really jealous of me and annoyed. We settled down, with the sweets we bought beforehand, then I remembered something, and dove into my bag, pulling a coffee jelly out with a spoon handing it to Saiki. He had this indescribable happy look on his face, as he opened it and started to eat it.

Halfway through the movie, nothing that scary had happened, but that's when probably the scariest jump-scare happened. at this point I was on Saiki's lap, curled upon him, shaking violently, as Kaido fell to the floor hiding behind the chairs. How everyone else stayed calm I will never know.

The movie ended, and I was honestly too scared to even get off Saiki's lap, so instead, he just threw me on his back, as I held tight. we got out, and it was around 6 pm.

We went home, Saiki dropping me off at my house. me slowly jumping off his back. I went inside, going up to my room. slowly falling into an endless slumber.


Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this chapter.

(word count - 746)


-edited 2- 

aa only 2 more left to edit I hope you're all ready!! -4/9/2021-

- Shanny ^^

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