Chapter 8-After School Plans.

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"Well, I was wondering, if you would like to come over to our house today, I want to get to know Kusuo's significant other better and to show you some of my inventions and see if you think they could make the world any better," Kusuke said, making me and Saiki both blush to new levels of unseen red.

"S-sure I'll come over after school, after all, you live in the house right next to mine," I cursed in my head at my stuttering and looked at Kusuke giving him a generous smile. He smiled back, walking away, Saiki laughing next to me slightly. I glared at him jokingly, as the bell went off sounding for the next two classes.

~Time skip to lunch~

I and Saiki were the only ones to give in all of our assigned art homework, whilst the rest of the class got afterschool detention. This way, me and Saiki won't be disturbed when walking home. Saiki and I walked together into the cafeteria, going to the line to buy food. I got miso soup, rice, a small salad, and a small glass container of milk, whilst Saiki got a coffee jelly and a glass container of milk. We sat down, whilst our rather large group started to sit down. 

"So Saiki what do you think we should do after Kusuke shows me his inventions?" I asked catching everyone off guard.

"I don't know maybe we should play video games in my room," he said looking at me happily. That's when the others joined in the conversation.

"Say, Saiki, how about we all get some ramen after I finish this detention?" Nendou said. I gave him a thumbs-up, knowing that Saiki wasn't going to get out of this one anytime soon.

"I want to pull (Y/N) into a few clothing stores, probably with Chiyo and Mera, those two need to learn some style," Teruhashi said.

"I'm in," Chiyo said smiling happily.

"I'm coming too," Kaido said, already conspiring more theories of his.

"I planned to go and get the soccer and tennis things around there anyway, so I'll come too," Hairo said.

"And we'll get some coffee jelly afterward," Kusuke said appearing behind Saiki "of course I'll buy it," This caught Saiki's attention, and he ended up having no time to train in his schedule, so we would have to leave that till the next day. 

~Saiki's POV~

(Y/N) sat there looking at me tiredly and smiling. they're so cute when they're smiling I thought as they lay on my shoulder and fell to sleep, in front of everyone. I could hear their slight snores and their perfect breathing, as they lay there unconscious on my arm. I blushed lightly as I noticed almost everyone staring at us and sighed smiling. Then the bell went, so I rocked (Y/N)'s arm until they awoke.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I looked at my surroundings. School, Saiki, almost empty cafeteria. Then I started moving, not with my legs, more like floating. I looked up and saw...


Hope ya'll enjoyed it. thanks for reading.

(word count- 559)


-edited 2-

Thank you for reading, I am still editing! I may re-read the whole story after too so I'm sorry if you get a lot of notifications from my books! they should all be done soon I hope you enjoy it!!

-Shanny ^^ 

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