Don't You Dare Touch My Girl (Aomine X Reader)

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Hi guuuuuuuys!! >< I miss ya all! Its been awhile since the last update, wasn't it? I'm sorry for not updating much but really school is slowly killing me and I don't even know why I accpeted so many extra curricular stuff to top it all XD But anyways I'm baaaaack~~

I'd also like to thank you guys because we've made it passed 10K reads and 500 votes! I couldn't have done it without ya guys! >3<

Anyways, this is a Aggressive!Protective!Perverted Aomine x Reader but I guess the perverted part won't be needed because he IS perverted but oh well XD


Aomine is irritated, he is angry, he's confused. He saw a can lying and he decided to kick it with force to ease up his feelings. "Damn him. Damn him. Damn him." he chanted repeatedly. Aomine continued to walk and then he felt something bump on his leg.

'WHO DARED BUMPED ON ME?!' Aomine shouted on his head angrily he looked down and saw a boy with the age of five sitting on the ground. "You dare bump on me?!" Aomine shouted angrily at the kid. He shouted so loud that some passers by stopped to look at him.

"Kids these days..."

"That black dude is scary!"

Are some of the whispers he heard, however Aomine payed no heed to them and continued to walk ignoring the now crying kid. 


Its been a week since Aomine started ignoring you, which you didn't liked. You're friends with Aomine which you didn't know how it had happened since middle school and you want it to continue. You heaved a sigh as you brought out a lunch when you heard a desk placed beside you. You turned to your side and saw Natsuki, the new male transfer student.

"Do you mind if I eat lunch with you today?" he asked. You shook your head.

Both of you muttered 'Itadakimasu' before opening your boxed lunches. You began to eat your lunch when you felt Natsuki staring at you. "Is there something on my face?" you asked, he shook his head. "I was just wondering if I could take a bite on your lunch?" you stared at him for awhile before placing you lunch in front of him. He just stared at you.


"Could you feed me?"

You blushed at what he said and you quickly looked down to hide how embarassed you are.

"Wh-what are you saying?! Do it on your own!" 

"Pwease?" he put on his puppy dog eyes that you can't resist. You sighed. 

"F-Fine..." you said begrudgingly. Natsuki just grinned at you. You took his chopsticks and used it to chopstick a small piece of sausage, then you held it up to his mouth. Natsuki took a bite and smiled. "Delicious~~"

Then suddenly you heard someone snort. You and Natsuki turned to saw Aomine. "Tch, flirting with the new student already?" he sneered at you two before retrieving his bag from his desk then walked away.


"Why is he like that?!" you whined over the phone.

"Maybe he's on his period?" Momoi said over the other line.

"You're not helping." you pouted as you plopped yourself on your bed.

"Hhhmmm... maybe he's jealous!" you blushed at the thought.

"WHAT ARE YOU S-SAYING?! IMPOSSIBLE!! W-WE'RE JUST FRIENDS!!" You screamed over the phone but Momoi just giggled.

" (First name)! Dinner is ready!" you heard your mom called downstairs.

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