I'll Protect You (Aggressive!Kuroko X Reader)

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Yay! Someone requested! Thank you~~! Don't know If you guys would like it though *shrugs*


You attend Seirin High School and classes are already over. You packed your things. After packing your stuff you went out of the classroom. You've always been a secret admirer of a certain teal head phantom, Kuroko Tetsuya.

Before going home you decided to make a little detour. You're heading for the school's gymnasium where the Seirin's Basketball Club are always practicing. You always watch them in secret, no one knows about, even your friends and also the basketball club.

You finally arrived at the gym. You took a little peek on the large doors of the gym. Inside is the whole team practicing. You smiled. 


The practice already ended and all of them hit the showers. You leaved your spot and quickly left the gym before anyone notice you. However you were noticed by a certain female coach.


You are now walking home. You glanced at your wristwatch and it read 6:02 pm. 

You felt that someone is following you since you left the Seirin campus. Your heart beating fast. Your palms sweating. You fastened your pace. 

You turned on a street and you were right about your suspicion. Someone is indeed following you. After you confirmed your suspicion you broke in a run. The person following you also ran. 

You ran and ran not caring where your feet carries you as long it can get you away from that person. You stopped running to absorb your surroundings. Your feet brought you to a certain playground that you hold dear.


Kids playing around. Well its a normal sight to see because you're in a playground after all. A little girl with (h/c) arrived at the said playground. That girl looked around. She grinned. She was about to play until she heard a whimper. She scanned the playground once again until her eyes landed on some little boys crowding. She jogged to the scene. She looked and saw a certain teal head kid crying. 

"Heh. What's wrong, freak?"

"Haha! His hair is weird!"

"He looks so weak!"

One of the boys punched the teal-haired kid on the stomach. Your eyes widened in horror. You quickly jumped infront of the teal-haired kid. You spread your arms out shielding him from the bullies.

 "What the?!"

"Oi girly! Go away!"

"No!" you shouted the bullies were slightly taken aback "You're not supposed to hurt others! Didn't your mothers teach you that?!" some look down on shame "Tch." a big kid who appears to be their 'leader' clicked his tongue. He walked away and the others followed. You and the teal-haired kid were left alone.

"Are you okay?" you asked as you crouched down beside the kid.

"Yes, thank you very much for helping me, though I think I can handle them alone." you giggled

"As if! I heard you whimpered!" you teased and the kid blushed. "What's your name by the way?" you asked

"Kuroko Tetsuya." you smiled

"I'm (y/n)"

"Nice to meet you (y/n)-chan." he said while bowing

"A-ah. N-no need for formalities! (y/n) is fine!"

"Eh. why?"

"Because we're friends now!"

"But friends respect each other." you sweat-dropped.

"Well I guess..."

"But friends also protect and help each other." he added with a smile. "I promise that I'll protect you, (y/n)-chan."

"Promise?" he nodded and held his pinkie finger out. You took it with your pinkie finger too. "Pinkie promise!" both of you said with a smile.


You smiled on that distant memory. But it appears that he already forgotten about it. 

You were too absorbed in your own world that you forgot about the person following you. You turned around to walk home but you were shocked that you saw that the person chasing you is also on the playground.

"No where to run now~~" the person taunted

Your legs started to wobble. You can't run anymore, you're to tired to run. You watch the person near you inch by inch with wide eyes. Tears began to well on your eyes. You can already think of worst possible scenarios. He brought out a knife. You are about to scream for help when someone knocked the guy out. The guy collapsed. You look for the person who knocked the guy out but you found no one. "(y/n)-chan." you flinched. You looked around searching for the owner of the voice who called your name. "I'm here." you look on your right and saw the familiar teal hair. "K-Kuroko-kun!" you gasped. "We promised to protect each other, right?" you smiled as you let out tears of joy.

Then suddenly one of his arms wrapped itself around your waist. Your eyes widened. He brought you closer to him. And gave a peck on your lips.

"I like you, (y/n)-chan."

 "Quite aggressive, I see." you said.

He smirked, and you giggled in return. This time its you who kissed him.


A/N= LOL I don't know what kind of aggressive you're talking about so I wrote this. I hope you liked it though @TimidOtakuGirl.

As for the other readers. I don't know what I'm typing~~ LOL so please bear with me. But I assure you that I'll try my best to meet your expectations. 

For other requests I'm already working on them! Thank you very much for requesting~~ I appreciate them~~

I apologize if there are any errors ^^

You can also buy me coffee at Ko-Fi because I'm thirsty af ʱªʱªʱª ( ᕑᗢ ू ᓫ ∗) just click on the external link button :D


I do not own KnB but I own the chapter's plot :)

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