Hmph! (Tsundere!Himuro X Reader)

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Type of Story: Tsundere!Himuro X Reader

Genre: Humor and Fluff


Must remember before going on~~

You hate Himuro and he 'hates' you too. Your the basketball manager. Himuro is only a gentleman to others but not to you XD Your in the same class as him. The two of you always bickers at each other. You and the basketball club are the only ones who knows about this.

Okay that's it~~


You were sitting on the bench near a water fountain. Today was Saturday where you usually laze around. But somehow you were in your current location wearing a simple shirt, shorts and rubber shoes. You checked your phone for the time and the person that you are waiting for is late. "What's taking Fukui so long?" you mumbled to yourself. Then a shadow loomed over you. You looked up and your eyes widened in shock. "YOU?!" you said screamed and so does the person.

"What are you doing here?" you asked

"What are you doing here?" the person said which irked you.

"Don't answer my question with another question."

The two of you had a staring contest when that person's phone ringed.

"Hello?" he said

"Yo, Himuro! I guess you finally arrived at the fountain!" a gruff voice said

"Captain, what is the meaning of this..?" 

"Put your phone on speaker."

Himuro pressed something on the keypad and thus it was put on speaker.

"Ohoho~~" a voice laughed ad you recognized it right away.

"FUKUIIIIIIII!!" You shouted "I swear if I get my hands on you, you're so gonna be dead!"

"Atsushi." Himuro said. You heard a crunching sound

"Yessh, Muro-chin? *munch* *munch*"

"No sncaks for two weeks."

"Totally *munch* *crunch* worth it."

"Listen brats!" It was Coach Araki this time. "You too would go on a date! If you don't you're going to suffer on my hands. And don't go faking it! OR ELSE!" and the call ended.


The two of you are walking on the busy streets of Akita. 

"Where do you want to go?" Himuro asked

"The mall, I'll buy clothes." you said. Then Himuro eyed you. "You look awful." he commented nonchalantly. A tick mark appeared on your head. "Why thank you! You look awful yourself!" you said with a bright smile. But your lying. The truth is he look so damn hot on his clothes right now. He's wearing a simple white shirt with 'ROCK ON!' that is written in English imprinted on the shir, pants and black shoes. 'How can he look so sexy when he's only wearing those?!' you mentally screamed. "What, being enticed by my sexyness?" Himuro said out of blue. "The heck?!" you screamed "Well, you're staring at me..." he said you clicked your tongue.

"Hey isn't that guy hot?!" you heard someone whispered. You turned and saw three girls whispering to each other

"I know right?! And his bangs!"

Himuro noticed that you are staring at them so he turned to them and he gave them a smile and a small wave.

"Kyaaaa~!" the three of them squealed. You felt a pang of jealousy hit you. Wait what?! Jealousy?!

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