Thank You (Yandere!Akashi X Reader)

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Type of Story: Yandere! Akashi X Reader

Genre: Humor and Fluff


People see Akahsi Seijuuro as a strict and scary guy. But not you, instead you see him as a funny and sweet guy.


You were eating lunch alone in the rooftop of Rakuzan High School. Wind gently blowing. You chewed your food silently in daze when suddenly a white hand puppet rabbit appeared infront of you. "Helloooo~!" it said to you waving its hand. You looked up and saw Akashi smiling at you. You choked and ended up spitting the food in your mouth to Akashi's face. "Hey!" he whined and wiped his face "S-Sorry!" you quickly apologized "Its alright." and he patted your head. 

You are the only one who knows about this side of him. 

He sat beside you. "What brings you here?" you asked as you continued eating your lunch. "Hm... nothing..." he replied nonchalantly. Then his eyes landed on your lunch. "Can I have that?" and he pointed to a meatball. "Sure." as you stretched your lunch box to him. He only stared at you.


"Feed me." you blinked. 

"I don't like repeating myself..." he said with a pout. You blushed.

You shakily picked your chopsticks up. You brought your chopsticks with a meatball to Akashi's mouth blushing. He stared at you. "Your cute when you're blushing." he commented and your cheeks reddened even more. "J-just eat this m-meatball already!" you exclaimed as you pushed it to his face.


You were already done eating your lunch and Akashi lying on your lap sleeping. You stared blankly at the sky your mind drifting to the event that happened a few months ago.


You were being abused by your family. Physically, mentally, verbally, emotionally. Your mother already dead leaving you, your father and older brother.

Today are one of the days your father going home drunk. You sat by the kitchen counter with a bruised face, cuts on your arms and legs. Your older brother just finished beating you up. "Oi, (y/n)! Bring me a cup of..." he hiccuped "...a cup of water...!" you shakily stood up and was getting a glass when a shadow loomed over you. "Yours so damn slow!" your father roared startling you and the glass slipped from your hands. Making it crash on the floor breaking into pieces. "You useless bi*ch!" he slapped you on the face hard. "Why do I have a useless child like you anyway?!" he punched you in the stomach then he threw you on the wall. You coughed blood.

"Oh, you're beating (y/n)?" your brother piped up.

"Yeah." your father stared at you.

"Great! Let me join!" then your brother suddenly kicked you. Making you roll on the floor.

You lied on the floor motionless, your eyes lifeless. "" you whispered as tears flow.

Your brother grabbed a fistful of your hair making you look up on him. Your face in a mess, blood dripping from your nose and side of your mouth. "You look awful." your brother commented before shoving your face on the floor. You looked up and saw your father holding a knife. He walked closer and closer to you. "" Your father swung the knife You closed your eyes. 

You were waiting to be stabbed but nothing happened. You opened your eyes and saw your father's head flew away from its neck. The body collapsed and behind the body was a man with mismatched eyes holding a butcher knife. "You bastard!" your brother yelled. He grabbed another knife somewhere and ran to the guy who beheaded your father ready to stab him. The man smirked. Your brother getting nearer and nearer to him. Your brother swung the knife but the man dodged it. This time the man swung his butcher knife and it cut your brother's hand htat is holding the knife. There was an ear-piercing scream. "My hand! My hand!" your brother screamed as he clutched his bleeding wrist. The man smirked and walked closer to your brother. 

Your brother looked up. "No! Please don't kill me!" he pleaded. The man's eyes narrowed. He brought the butcher knife up and swung it full force cutting your brother's head. Your brother's head rolled on the floor its mouth still open and eyes wide.

"(y/n)" You looked up and saw Akashi holding the butcher knife. He put the knife down and knelled to help you sit. "Are you okay?" he asked. Tears still streaming down your cheeks. Akashi got worried and was about to open his mouth to ask again when you suddenly hugged him. You sobbed on his shoulder. He smiled and stroke your hair.


He was the one who saved you from that dreaded place. If it weren't for him you might be dead by now.

"Thank you..." you whispered and began to stroke his red locks with a smile smile on your face.


A/N= And there you have it folks! @vongolaprimo2pokemon, I hope you liked this. I'll do your next request later ^_^

I apologize if there are any errors and'or if this one-shot is not good enough.


I do not own Kuroko no Basuke. I own the one-shot's plot though.

Kuroko no Basuke One-shots! (CLOSED FOR NOW)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें