Chapter XXVI: Given Time Together

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《A/n: Thank you all for the names :) they have been choosen and will be revealed soon enough (however not in this chapter) 》

You stirred awake to the feeling of fingers lazily playing with your shortened strands.

Your body tensed as your eyes opened. Your gaze wandering around the scene in your peripheral view. Laying on the bed within one of the Strode house's rooms. You felt the bed dip behind you as an arm pulled you to the firm chest, and you can only guess who.

Then you shuddered in the loose hug, yawning as your senses returned. Michael's hand lifted to your cheek, turning your head gently so he could look at you. "Better?"

You pursed your lips, putting effort in sitting up with a long stretch. When you felt a pop from your back, you relaxed your arms to your sides.

"You... did this?"

You were given a nod, his hand grasping your arm and coaxing you to his side. A firm shake of the head, and you paused as your stomach growled... in hunger.

There was a same brief look of confusion on his face. Before he shifted himself and moved off the bed. You were helped out of bed, despite the soft protests that you signed.

You were led downstairs, letting the news set into reality.

Not only were you now trapped here as everyone else was. But you were hungry too? You'd been told that hunger wasn't an issue from the others, nor was dehydration or using a bathroom. There was something off from what happened to you. You were certainly in a different position than the others, and as much as you'd like an explanation right this second, but you'd ask Michael after you had something to eat.

Is there even food here? You pressed your lips in a line as you followed Michael into the kitchen, his taller frame blocking the light of the room from your eyes. You still felt as though you weren't truly here, you knew that was a lie.

He stared at nothing for a while, and if it hadn't been so silent in the room you might've missed the quiet mumbles leaving his mask.

Then in a cloud of smoke, a basic breakfast - despite the darkness outside - was formed from nothing infront of your eyes.

Michael picked up the platter, bringing over to you at the two person dining table.

"Thank you." You signed, staring quizzically at the plate of food. Before you could ask for either a fork or spoon, it appeared infront of you, next to the plate the same way the food had appeared. A cloud of black smoke. You picked up the metal utensil, examining it with furrowed brows before stabbing it into the food.

A hand stopped you, Michael kneeling by your side and lifted his mask up to his nose. He guided your hand to his lips, taking a bite from your given meal. He tilted his head after you saw his throat move, swallowing the food. You didn't blame him from being paranoid, and after a second he guided your hand back to it's previous spot. Standing and readjusting the mask on his head and looked at you expectingly.

You brought the food to your mouth, chewing it while meeting Michael's curious eyes. Chew, chew, swallow.

It was tasteless.

Just, tasteless. The texture, the feeling was there - it was solid food, but it was just... tasteless. Nothing. No hint of it on your tongue.

You looked to the food disappointingly, and Michael patted you on the head before pointing to your growing stomach. You force a smile, right, despite me not liking it, I need it.

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