I Uh... Got Tagged (For once)

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I got tagged by ICuddleWithMyDemons lmao, so... I'll answer the stuff above... also do I have to tag other people? >_>

1. Celesty (I swear if someone calls me Celestia from MLP Imma lose my shit xD)

2. Puuurrrple :D

3. I actually don't think I had a childhood hero... but I can say that my childhood role models were VenturianTale :>

4. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... give me a second here... I don't uh... watch cartoons often... but I'll just say teen titans cause I can't choose one Xd

5. oH um, I don't read book series as much (I read more fanfiction now but...) can I say the Legend Of Zelda manga? Does that even count as a series? I... don't know...

6. Lost in Space, because (suprise suprise!) I don't actually watch Netflix. But I really enjoyed Lost in Space.

7. A younger demon sister. She likes to bully me ;-;

8. My Shot by Hamilton (The Broadway Show :D)

9. 8

10. Wait... favorite article of clothing? What? XD Okay uh, the headband/bandana I wear to pull my hair back 24/7

11. Both?

12. I wear a necklace so let's go with that :P

13. Food :>

14. Oh isn't this convenient, I drew an Unfinished Sombra (from Overwatch) last night (see at the end)

15. Art xD

16. Depends on the context, I'll go with pastel though.

17. My pajamas, seeing as I woke up 20 minutes ago lol

18. "Hey chin up. I know the night just got darker, but it won't last forever." -Nick Valentine or "You'd be shocked how many people I've managed to convinced I'm just a really sick ghoul." -Also Nick Valentine

19. Oh here's the part where I'm suppose to tag others. Uh crap do I have to?


That's all I got... those who got tagged can ignore this but hey... idk but tagging other people seems awkward.

 idk but tagging other people seems awkward

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Heres that Sombra art xD

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