Chapter XIII: A Confession

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"Happy birthday Jess!" Keith greeted her, pulling his girlfriend in for a hug, then kissed her cheek before letting walk inside.

"Happy birthday!"

"Thank's you two," she smiled brightly, "how have you both been?"

"Good, and better since you're here." He grinned cheekily, making you roll your eyes in amusement.

"I'm doing okay, have you eaten lunch yet?"

"Nope! I'm eating light if you're offering, since my family's serving dinner later." She chuckled and you nodded, leading her to the dining room.

You shooed Keith to get the cake, and he scurried out of the room to comply.

You sat Jess down at the head of the table, grabbing three plates and forks when Keith entered.

Jess gasped, her smile stretched so far you were sure it would make her face sore. No matter what design or way you and Keith decorated the cake, she was always so surprised.

"It's beautiful guys..."

You chuckled mutely, patting her shoulder before handing her the knife.

You gestured for her to go ahead and cut the slices. She nods and admires the cake for another moment before cutting it.

A slice is handed to you then to Keith, and she finally takes a slice for herself.

You took a bite, whistling and signed to Keith. "This one's your best so far." You complemented.

"You think so?" Keith grinned, and Jessica nodded in agreement.

"Definitely Keith-ers."

"Aww, thank you, guys." He pretended to wipe a tear from his eye, making Jess giggle.

You glanced at Jess, your face changing to a more neutral expression. Perhaps you'll tell her next time.


"Are you sure you're not coming?" Jess squeezed your hands between hers, a pleading look on her face. "It'd be better with you there."

You smiled, "thank you, really... but I have to pass on this." You were slightly annoyed at her stubbornness, of course, it isn't her fault seeing as you were being invited to a family party/dinner. Though you didn't have much that covered the heart on your neck and you really didn't want to socialize with others.

On that same note you had a commission, and in the short time you were given for it, you'll be paid quite a lot.

She puffed out her cheeks, "I know you hate talking to other people when you have a choice, so I'll let you pass this once okay? But you better owe me!" Her dark blue hues pierced through your (e/c) orbs.

You gave her a grateful look, "thank you, and I will."

"Okay okay," she pulled you into a hug, right before she turned away you stared into the blue orbs. Your glassy actions made her look away awkwardly. "See you later," and with a last glance, she walked out the front door to Keith's car.

You let out a sigh, shutting and locking the door before making your way to your art room.

Your newest submission was a painting, a large one, of a horse.

For whichever reason it was, you choose not to question why a horse. Since a part of you guessed it was more personal.

You took your time to sketch the base, you created more creatures and landscapes than people nowadays.

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