Chapter XVI: Punishment of Separation

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《A/n: :( I've been neglecting this, sorry guys 》

You awoke with a yawn stretching your arms out with a long groan.

You no doubtfully felt sore, meaning not only scars from weapons can manifest from the Entity's world.

You cringed slightly when you felt the dryness in your underwear. You needed a shower first, breakfast second.

With a deep breath you got out of bed, feeling the sting near your shoulder, you glanced in the mirror to see the cause.

A bite mark. Specifically the one Michael left behind.

Your brows scrunched up, a frown on your lips. What had happened? You thought only the marks left behind by weapons stayed with you when you woke up. But here you are, left sore with a bite mark on your skin.

It's probably best if I cover it. You noted, taking out a change of clothes from your wardrobe and brought it with you to the bathroom.

Just a quick shower.

The rest of your day had been usual, other than the questioning looks from Keith. Jess had stopped by to apologize for her behavior the previous day. Which was fine, you felt better afterall.

Your afternoon was spent finish the painting- or at least getting close to it. You'd need to add a few more things but so far you loved how the horse had turned out.

Leah had called in the evening,

"Hey love, just wanted to inform you about a sort of... birthday party? It's going to be Amelia's party next week and I'm trying to prepare a birthday party for her... and I need your help! So uh-" There was a crash in the background. "No! No! Lillie get off the counter!" She exclaimed, her mouth away from the phone.

You blinked, raising a brow as you kept listening.

"Sorry (N/n), I'm catsitting my neighbors tabby right now." She sighed, "well like I said, I may or may not need your help with this so if you could come over this upcoming weekend that'd be absolutely fantastic." Another crash in the background made you question why she'd "catsit" such a troublemaker in the first place.

"Alright gotta go! Thanks for hearin' me out!" The the line went dead.

Seems you got your Saturday plans filled.


Red Forest, Mother's Dwelling.

Michael looked around for a moment, taking in his current position before choosing a direction to walk in. Towards one of the generators in the distance, seeing the rustling of bushes in that area.

His eyes found the figure of one of the most newest survivors, Kate Denson.

From behind the trees he stalked her, the longer she was in his view the more stronger his evil within grew.

Then the melody played, and she finally looked around, meeting his eye for the briefest of moments before dashing off.

He followed her, taking advantage over her less-experienced knowledge to cut her off, landing a slash across her side before she was able to throw down the pallet.

He grunted, shaking of the brief stun and destroyed the pallet in a second.

He followed her blood trail and glowing scratch marks. Noting that they have yet to find his Hex totem.

His bloodlust grew, pace quickening and grabbed the ginger before she could jump through the window.

The young woman let out a shriek, and Michael glanced around before his eye caught the stairs to the basement of the Huntress's cottage.

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