Chapter III: Lone Hunter

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Michael Myers was not gone.

Merely taken. Disappeared from the real world to this... repetitive game of sacrifice.

His tactics were different than other killers with the start of the game. Stalk, not hunt.

His strategy revolved around stalking for the first half of the game, then hunting in the next.

Since it was his strategy, it only worked with him.

He grew colder as the rounds of sacrifice passed, at this point, he barely had a thrill to all of these trails. His victims would sometime change their tactics too, in those games he'd be lucky to even feel a load of adrenaline rush through him.

He stands at the top of the chain.

He wasn't stupid either when he first was brought here. With the promise of being able to freely kill, he wasn't ecstatic, but neither was he irritated.

That's when he noticed his sister, Cynthia Myers was brought too. His temper snapped, primarily going after Cynthia.

He was granted the ability to kill one by his own hands that round. He chooses Cynthia, hoping he could finally end whatever darkness fueled his anger.

But she came back, everyone he killed or sacrificed came back.

They were all trapped in an eternal game of repetition.

However, it didn't falter Michael from doing his job, to sacrifice and feed the Entity. No matter how angered or annoyed he got from the matches, he'd not given up. He learned the hard way through excruciating punishment from the Entity's torture.


His breath was uneven, taking long strides to reach his prey. Meg, was it? He hadn't bothered to put effort into learning names, but he overheard them before.

He slowly gained speed, a small thought of grabbing her braids and yanking her back so she trips came to mind. He had taken curiosity towards the ginger athlete.

He overheard the sounds of her cursing under her breath, and as the space between them got smaller, he lunged. Knife raised and swung down upon the ginger's back.

She let out a scream, cutting herself off to continue running. "Leave me alone Myers!" She spat at him, glancing back for a moment.

His stare burned into her back, his speed never faltered as he caught up to her.

When he swung again, he missed narrowly to the small burst of speed she used. He growled when she ran towards the wooden pallet, set up around the maps for use to slow down their hunters.

He looked to the pallet, then Meg who stood awaiting on the other side for him to lunge. He twirled the knife in his hands, he was wasting time. So- without warning- he lunged, making the woman gasp and meet with his kitchen knife.

She fell to the ground with a groan, and Michael slung her onto his shoulder. Like he has done many times before and walked closer to the nearest hook.

He kept his eye out for the one called Jake, or any of his victims with a toolbox. No sign of any as he carried the ginger woman onto the meat hook.

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