1- New Kids

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I haven't slept very long last night and the next day is school. Mom yells, "Victoria, get up!" That's my que.

I'm 13 years old and currently in 8th grade and go to FortNite Hills. I have short, black-straight hair that is past my shoulders. I'm like 5 foot, which is small in my grade, with dark brown eyes.

I dress quickly, take a breakfast to go, and skateboard to school, which is 5 minutes away.

I arrive at school and quickly get books in my locker. I have 2 minutes till class starts.

I hear footsteps behind me and I already know who it is, my friend Kendra.

She has long, beautiful-brown hair with brown eyes. She is about the same height as me. She was my first friend that I first met in 1st grade and still is my friend till today with an awesome personality.

She shouts down the hall, "Where have you been?! I was looking for you everywhere!"

"Sorry, I woke up late."

"You always wake up late. Anyways, I have something to tell you."

She looks around and makes sure that no one is listening to our conversation.

"There are new kids at school and one of them work for the other side to get us. We have a mission to find the kid, track them, and stop the other side from getting to us. Matthew and Joshua are helping. You in?"

We all got recruited by the FBI based on our advanced skills since they want trained kids to go undercover if needed. Not many people suspect kids on missions. And yes, we are spies. By the way, the other side are the bad guys.

"Yeah, but we have to do homework as well." Go ahead, call me a nerd. See if I care.

"You're basically a good student. You'll be fine but we'll try (winks)."

The bell rang and we quickly run to our classes. This is going to be a LONG week, especially for a Monday.


It's now lunch and the 4 of us is discussing our plans. We have an early lunch and not that long periods. We're also all close friends and work well as a team. I say,

"There are 4 new kids. Anna, Liliana, Zachary, and Owen. How do we know who's the victim?"

Matthew- "I can become friends with Owen and gather info if you want."

Matthew has brown with blonde highlights in his hair with dark brown eyes. He's taller than me but by only A FEW inches. I known him as long as I knew Kendra but we didn't talk. We interacted in 4th grade. He's really cool and kinda popular too.

Kendra- "Brandon is becoming friends with Anna so that can help."

Me- "Josh, can you handle Zachary?"

Josh- "I can't! He's getting popular and you know me around popular people."

All except Josh- "SCARDY CAT!" He rolls his eyes.

Joshua has black hair with brown eyes. He is tall...like WAY taller than me. We started being friends in the middle of the school year of this grade. He can be weird sometimes but fun to be around.

Me- "Fine! You'll at least have help from Matthew."

Josh- "But..." I glare which makes him shut up

Me- "Ok, Matthew gets Owen and help Josh with Zachary, Kendra has Anna, and I'll get Liliana. We all have to track their devices and know their background. Call anyone if you have news."

The bell again rang and everyone cleans up to head back to class. We give each other an ear piece so we have contact to each other since we have different classes.

"Meet at my house after school."


Since I'm always late, I quickly went to my locker and ran to my next class, science. Surprisely, I made it just in time before I got in trouble for being late.

I casually walked in and saw everyone talking. I took a seat in the middle and just sat there since I have no one to talk to. :( Yes, I'm not popular.

I sat there for a few minutes until I heard the door open and to see someone I didn't recognize. She was just standing at the doorway doing nothing while everyone was staring. She has brown hair and brown eyes with an average height. She's wearing glasses with nerdy socks and her hair in an awkward place on pigtails. It looks like she has a load full of rocks in her backpack since it's so huge.

Mr. Tony, the fun teacher, finally realized what was happening and broke the silence saying to her,

"You must be a new kid. I'm Mr. Tony. What's your name?"


BINGO! All I need to do is talk to her and HOPE that she'll sit next to me.

She takes a seat in the front. Dang it!!! I jinxed it. I need a new plan.

I try to sit behind her but Mr. Tony catches me moving and next thing you know, I'm sitting right next to his desk which it an island desk for trouble people. And I HATE that desk! People just stare you and all of a sudden, you feel guilty and embarrassed. Since I'm a good student, I was never in that desk but things have changed and here I am right now.

Mr. Tony starts talking about the human body and it's cells, which pretty fascinating. I usually pay attention but this time, I blank out, thinking of how I should get in touch with Liliana.

The class ends up with notes to do on the section which I didn't pay attention too. Everyone quickly packs up and leaves but Liliana takes her time. I end up following her and watching her every move since I failed my first task, her device. Yes, I'm actually admitting that I'm a stalker right now.

She seems very weird and unique in a good way and loves to read in the library than talking but is very truthful in her opinions.

I followed her to the library and she seemed like she knew where everything was and I'm like, I have been here since 1st grade and I don't know where everything is yet. Liliana picked a table and left her backpack by itself to look at some books.

Now I know that this is my chance. I walked to her backpack and went through her stuff. I found so many books that are unneeded and crushed food. I looked in her front pocket and found her phone. I took out my tracker and attached it in her phone case so she doesn't know. I then took out my laptop from my backpack and connected to the tracker. I heard footsteps coming and saw Liliana coming toward me but not paying attention since she is reading while walking. I quickly packed my stuff and walked away to another table. I looked at my laptop and saw that it was connected. First task complete.

I hacked her phone on my laptop and saw that everything was related to school work. Like...everything. Nothing out of the ordinary. Well that helps our list.

Since it's the end of the day, I decided to ride back home on my skateboard and tell everyone about my news.

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