Chapter 70

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Damian's POV

Everyone has already been in to see me, they left a couple hours ago. My mother was going to stay, but I told her to go because it wouldn't be long before the sick bastard I know as my father would be in here wanting to know what happened.

As if reading my thoughts the door to the hospital room opens. I watch as he strolls into the room, not even slightly upset by the fact I am in a hospital bed.

"Well, you have had quite the day haven't you son?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

"I guess you could say that.. Dad." I spit out, he laughs smirking and I just want to punch that smirk right off his smug face.

"Why do you insist on calling me dad as if it's a bad thing I am your father? You know I raised you well, and I also gave you everything you wanted. " he says as if he truly gave me an amazing childhood.

Yea, if you would call him leaving me with multiple broken bones in me bedroom without any food for days because I disobeyed him a good childhood.

Not to mention what I witnessed before my mother disappeared.

"Why are you here?" I ask bluntly, and for a moment he looks taken aback.

"Why wouldn't I be here? I do care about you son, you may not believe it but I do. And I also want to know why you were so conveniently located on the same road as the girl? Not only that but you drive head on into one of my workers. You messed alot of things up by doing that Damian. Didn't I tell you not to get involved?" He says as he walks around my bed to my IV drip.

I cross my arms so he doesn't notice me slowly pull the IV out of my arm. I know what he is about to do. He is going to try to kill me.

"You know I love you son.. but the gang has to stand strong. And as long as I have you picking that little sluts side over your own fathers. Well I just can't have you around." I watch him yell for his guards and soon my arms are being held down. They don't realize that the tape covering the IV is only covering it now. They can't see that I wiggled it enough that it was no longer in my arm just in the tape. He injects something in to the drip, and I watch as it slowly runs down. They watch as it goes all the way to my arm before they let go, and all walk out of the room. I act panicked so they won't think anything.

"Your just like your mother.." is the last thing he says to me before he walks out of the room.

Brandon's POV

I sit in the living room of Ashton's house, everyone is asleep. Travis is in one of the spare rooms downstairs and Cole is in the other. Ashton went to bed as soon as we got home, she was extremely exhausted so no one bothered her as she went to her bedroom and shut the door behind her.

It was really hard today knowing that they could have done anything to her and I wasn't there to protect her. I cried the whole way to her house once we left the hospital. Cole didn't say a word as he let me sob peacefully. He knows how I feel about her, and I also know his feelings are bigger than he let's everyone see. Although I know why he doesn't, he doesn't see her that way. He loves her yes, but he looks at her more as Vinny's possession. He won't try anything because he knows how in love she is with his cousin still.

I stretch out on the couch, putting my legs up on the other end and pull my shirt off. I put my arm under my head and look at the ceiling. I let my mind wander and soon some thoughts approach bringing some very strong feelings behind them.

"Ugh.. why now? Why couldn't I be home alone when I started thinking about these things.." I mumble to my self adjusting my jeans.

My mind has constantly been on Ashton, and right now it definitely is.

I stand up and walk into the kitchen area and grab a glass before filling it up with hot water. Usually drinking hot water helps certain things go away. I'm about to bring the glass to my lips when I hear someone walk up behind me. I turn around and find Ashton watching me closely.

I suck in a breath as I notice what she is wearing. She is only wearing an oversized tshirt, and her underwear.

I feel my cheeks heat up, and I see a small smirk play on her lips.

"Wh-what are you doing up?" I ask her, I look down and quickly walk over to the table and take a seat. The last thing I want her to see is that right now. I quickly gulp some of the water down, and it helps.

"The babies were taking turns doing jumping Jack's on my bladder.. and I heard something so I decided to come check it out.. seems like you were just having some troubles." She chuckles softly at the last part as she comes and sits at the table across from me.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I just wanted a glass of water.." I say blushing. She smirks again, and before I realize it she has moved to the seat beside me.

"Brandon.. do you think I'm beautiful?" She asks suddenly, and for a moment I am taken aback.

"Of course I do.. why do you ask?" I say cautiously, not knowing why she is asking.

"I just feel like I'm not beautiful anymore.. I felt beautiful when I was with Vinny.. now he is gone.. and I'm getting fay, and nothing fits me anymore other than hoodie and oversized tshirts. I have to wear jogging bottoms most of the time.. and I just miss the way Vinny used to look at me.." she begins to cry, and I instantly pull her into my lap. I don't pay attention to how she is sitting as I wrap my arms around her, and let her cry into my shoulder.

It's in that moment that I also notice that she isn't wearing a bra, and I feel my entire body heat up. I also notice that she is sitting with her legs on either side of me. I accidentally let out a low groan, and she instantly jerk her head up.

"I'm so sorry! I can't believe how bad that looked.. I'm going to bed.." she says as she gets up and turns to go back upstairs.

"Ashton wait!" I say, she doesn't turn around and soon I hear her door slam. "Well shit.."

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