Chapter 31

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Brandon's POV

"You're her brother?" I say to the guy in front of me.

"Yes, although I didn't know I had a sister. I didn't even know I still had a mother till a few months ago. There is alot you don't know about my father." He runs his hand through his hair as he walks back to the car.

"Can you start explaining then please?" I ask, confused beyond belief.

He opens the door to the back seat, and it's then that I remember the girl sitting in the back seat. I see him talking to the girl as I stand back and wait for him to return. As he leaves the car the girl is following behind him. He walks past me, and straight back to the house. I sigh as I turn and follow behind him. I am worried about Ashton, but I really don't want to see Vinny huddled over her.

When we get in the house, Vinny is upstairs with Ashton. Travis is also upstairs, doing his job of protecting her. Especially when he realized who I had brought here. Although I didn't know Travis still looked at me as if he was ready to kill me.

"You want to know the truth?" Damian cuts me out of my thoughts when he walks into the living room me and the girl following behind him.  Everyone is in the living room, Ashton's mom is sitting in a seat to herself. She looks as if she has aged over the past hour.

"Adalia is my mother, she was married to my father before I was born. They stayed together until I was six years old. When she tried to take me away from him to keep me safe. The last time I ever saw my mother was when she tried to get me back. He shot her and left her for dead as he drove away with me in the back screaming for my mother. He raised me to be heartless and cruel, it didn't work. All he done was raised me to hate him. He beat me to show me that he was the boss, it didn't work. I have had more broken bones and scars, than I would like to admit. But that also helped me learn alot, like his weaknesses. He is a strong man, but he is also very weak." He stops for a second, as if remembering something terrible. "You know, he told me something once, he said that he would have had another child if he had not killed my mother.."

We all look at Mrs Niko, she is crying again.

"Ashton is your blood sister.. I made the man I married believe she was his. I met him at the hospital when I was rushed there, we hit it off when I woke up from surgery. I told the doctor that no one was to know I was pregnant. And luckily he never found out till after I seduced him, it's horrible I know, but I couldn't let him get my baby. He took my son from me after he tried to kill me.." she starts crying even harder as she remembers that day.

I can't listen anymore, I stand up from the seat I was sitting in and run out of the room. As I'm trying to make it out of the house I run into someone. I look up to find Travis.

"Brandon, I thought I told you-" I cut him off as I run past him, he calls after me, but I am already halfway down the street. I can't stop running, I need to get away.

I pull out my phone as I hit a side road. I dial a number and put the phone up to my ear. It rings three times before I hear the familiar voice on the other side.

Hello? We have two spots at 3 am.

"I need one of those spots, name is Walker. Been in multiple spots. Be there in ten for warm up."

I can get you someone, it's a four grand reward to winner. See you soon.

I hang up the phone, and start running towards the bar. I desperately need this fight.

Soon I am standing in front of the bar, I walk down the stairs to the basement, and knock three times. The door opens slowly, and I slide through it. The bar is very crowded tonight, I look around and find the dealer. He is the one in charge of all the fights.

"Hey Alex, I'm here for my fight.." I say as we shake hands.

"OK bro, we had someone ask to fight you specifically. Sounds like you pissed him off.." the guy in front of me laughs. He then points to a guy across the room. It's a member of a rival gang, I have seen him but once or twice. But it isn't the guy that makes my stomach feel like concrete, it's the girl on his arm.

I look at the girl that, I can't remember the name of. It's the girl that I brought home last night. Travis was right, I am so screwed.

"You didn't do what I think you did my man?" Alex looks at me before he bursts out laughing.

"Bro I didn't know she belonged to a gang.. especially a rival gang. Boss will never let me live this down.." I run a hand over my face, and decide to go to the bar and have a couple shots of liquid courage.

I pull my phone out, and text the one person I know has always had my back.

Me: hey T, um so If I die tonight, tell Ashton I'm sorry.

I put my phone on the bar beside me and take a shot. Soon my phone buzzes.

Travis: what did you do?

Me: that girl from last night.. I called for a fight, and someone asked for me personally. It's the guy from Jo's gang, she belongs to him. I'm going to die tonight.

Travis: I'm on my way with the boys.

I put my phone up, and wait for my turn to fight.

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