Chapter 47

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"No way.. you don't even look like him.. he would have told us he has a brother.." I say not believing the guy standing in front of me.

"I dont look like our father.. I look like my mother, me and Travis have different moms. And frankly, he doesn't even know I exist.." He says looking at the floor. "You have to do me a favor.."

"What is it?" I ask him, ready to get this conversation over with.

"I need you to get close to Preston. You are the only one who can break him, he knows the moves everyone else will take.." He says bluntly, I look at him before laughing.

"I am not getting close to that man.. I cant.." I say turning serious, wrapping my arms over my stomach.

He looks down at my stomach, and back up to me. His eyes soften, and his whole bad ass demeanor diminishes.

"I hope for your sake the wrong person doesn't find out.. I won't tell them.. I'll keep in touch with you though. Only you, don't tell anyone else my name or anything. I'm going to find a way to get to him without you having to do it.. Although that was the easiest way. You should go, your ex is up there and I know he has already realized you are here.." he says turning his back to me, "Ashton, protect that baby with every possible thing you can. You don't realize how important it is.."

I turn and walk out of the room. I walk past all the bodies, and up the stairs out of the basement. I look through all of the people grinding on eachother and I search for Vinny. I can't see them any where and I start to panic.

I feel someone wrap their arms around me from behind and lift me up. I bring my elbow back as hard as I can, causing the person holding me to drop me and yelp in pain. I turn around and find Marcus holding his nose. He recovers quickly, and before I realize it he has grabbed me again and put me over his shoulder. I kick and scream but no one notices me. They are all to drunk to notice that I'm trying to get away.

"Let go of me Marcus!" I scream pounding my fists against his back. It doesn't faze him, as he stomps up the stairs to the second floor. I start getting dizzy as he continues to carry me until he enters a room and drops me on the bed. My stomach tightens and I throw up all over the floor. He still doesn't stop, his eyes are burning with something I don't understand. I close my legs and pull my dress down as he begins to try to pry my legs open. I scream, but no one can hear me.

Marcus starts to kiss me, and I find my opportunity. I bite his lip as hard as I can, bringing blood. He jumps back, but when he sees me trying to get away he swings his fist at me. His hit is messy, probably due to him being drunk. It connects with my cheek, but it doesn't hurt. I hear the door fly open, and I find Vinny standing on the other side. His lip is busted, and his cheek is already bruising. Marcus sees him and begins to swing at him, Vinny is to fast for him. I try to pay attention to what's going on around me, but everything goes fuzzy before I feel my body hit the floor and all I see is black.

Vinny's POV

I watch as Ashton disappears with the guys. I don't want to let her go alone, but they were very persistent about her going alone. I look around the room keeping an eye on Marcus. I don't want him to figure out she is here. I look over and find Cole walking out the front door. He could technically lose his job for this if someone told people he was here. He is staying outside to keep watch.

I walk around, watching everyone but blending in. I notice alot of girls eyeing me, but I simply ignore them.

None of them are Ashton.

I feel someone coming up behind me, and I turn around. Marcus is standing in front of me with two other guys.

"So you are pretty brave to show your face, especially after jumping me that day." Marcus spits out, I laugh and he doesn't find it amusing. The two guys grab for me, but I dodge them and swing my fist out connecting with one of the guys faces. I go to swing again, but they manage to grab me pulling me outside. As soon as they throw me to the grass, they begin to punch and kick me. I see Marcus walking back into the house.

"I'm finally going to get this whore.." he says laughing.

"Cole!!" I yell, grabbing hold of one of the guys. Soon I feel the other guy being ripped off of me. I manage to knock the guy above me to the ground, and I begin to punch him repeatedly. Soon his nose is unrecognizable, and he is out of it. I stand up wiping the blood from my knuckles on the guys shirt. I look over at Cole, and he has the guy on the ground beating him to a pulp. I turn and start walking into the house. I go have to find her before Marcus does. I look around and I don't see her or Marcus any where.

I can't hear anything over the music, so I go to the second floor. Maybe she went up here to hide. As soon as I reach the top of the steps I look around and realize I can here a commotion coming from a room down the hall. I run to the door it's coming from and kick it open. I see him Ashton against the wall, she is terrified and her dress has been pushed up. Marcus swings at me but I dodge it easily, I land a punch to his stomach and he gasps in pain. I look over at Ashton, and she doesn't look so good before I can react she passes out hitting the floor. I swing and land a perfect punch to marcus's temple knocking him out. I run over to Ashton picking her up, and rushing out of the house. I look down at her stomach, and my heart sinks.

"Please be ok my babies.." I almost cry, but I pull myself together. I throw my keys to Cole and he jumps into the car as I get into the back seat with Ashton.

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