Chapter 21

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We pull in front of a cabin that sits out in front of a beautiful Lake. I get out of the car and leave the boys behind as I run past the cabin, and straight to the lake. It's gorgeous, the water is clear and there is sand surrounding the edges like a beach. I hear someone coming, so I turn around just in time for Vinny to snap a picture of me.

"Hey why did you do that?" I pout, walking towards him.

"Well, it's very rare that I can take a picture of two magnificent things at the same time, so I took my chance." He says quietly looking down at his phone. I quickly snatch the phone and run, I don't like pictures. I shove the phone in my pocket, and run to the nearest tree. I jump up and grab onto the first tree limb pulling my self up so I can grab onto the next one. Before I know it I am halfway up the tree. I stop, and look down finding Vinny climbing the tree as well. I don't move though, the look in his eyes is like a predator about to catch his prey.

When he finally reaches me he puts his arms on both sides of me holding on to limbs to keep himself balanced.
I am locked between his arms, and the butterflies are hammering against my ribcage. He continues to look at me, making it hard to look anywhere but him.

"That's not the only picture I want to take of you, I want a picture of you smiling, but I want to make sure I am the one making you smile that beautiful smile." He whispers, causing me to shiver.

"You're gonna have to catch me first!" I yell before dropping down to the limb below us. I look up to find him smirking at me, his eyes are telling me he is giving me a head start to I climb down as fast as I can. When my feet hit the ground he is already almost to the bottom. I look around quickly for an escape route and realize there is a trail that wraps behind the cabin and into the woods. I sprint to the trail, and soon I can here him running behind me.

I sprint for a good mile, and he is still right behind me. I turn my head, to find him laughing until his face switches to panic.

"Ashton watch out!" I turn my head back around quickly as I trip over a log, and face plant into soft mud.

"Are you ok?" He says, softly flipping me over. He looks at me weird as I start laughing hysterically. "What's so funny?"

"This-" I grab some mud from my face, and rub it across his face. Instead of him being mad, he just rubs more mud into my hair making me gasp.

"You did not just do that.." I scowl at him.

"Oh, yes sweetheart, I just did."

I throw myself at him making him fall back in the mud. I soon realize that I am straddling him, his hands are on my hips and the butterflies have came back full force. He slowly lift up to face me.

"You are so beautiful.." he lifts his hand to the back of my neck, he is leaning into me when we hear a cough behind us.

"I know you two must hate me right now, but our parents are looking for you guys.." Cole says smirking at us. I look down at Vinny, and he is thinking the same thing I am. We both slowly get up, and walk towards Cole.

"What are you guys doing?" Cole says slowly catching on. 

"Hmm.. I just want a hug, don't you Vinny?" I say in a sing song voice.

"Why yes, just a quick hug from my dear cousin.." Vinny grins.

"No, no, no, stay away! This shirt is brand new!" Cole says turning away from us, and running. We quickly follow suit, as he pleads for the life of his sparkling white shirt. I run as fast as I can, and leap onto his back, my muddy hoodie clinging to his white shirt. I wrap my legs around his waist making it worse as Vinny catches up with us.

"Bro get this monkey off of me!" Cole laughs, trying his best not to admit defeat.

"Nope, I think you should carry her back to the house. She looks tired the poor baby.." Vinny gives him a fake frown as he quickly runs past us so Cole can't bother him anymore.

"I'm going to get you back for this.." he gives me a glare, making me chuckle, and rub some mud on his face.

"Are you mad bro?" I laugh, almost losing my grip.

"No, I am just going to get revenge when you least expect it little girl." He winks at me making me go quiet.


"Oh don't worry, it could be weeks from now. It could be in the middle of class or it could be right now. But I am not going to tell you.." he whispers as we walk around the cabin to where Vinny is.

I hop off of Cole's back, and reach in my pocket for Vinny's phone and my phone. I come up empty, and I start to panic slightly.

"Looking for these sweet heart?" Vinny holds up my phone in one hand and his in the other, and I sigh a breath of relief.

"How did you get those?" I say as he hands me my phone.

"They fell out of your pocket when you jumped out of the tree. The twins found them, luckily they didn't go through them. They are weird like that.."

"Yea, I had to get an uncrackable pass code last year. They stole my phone and found some photos that I would have rathered Vinny's mom not seen." Cole blushes a deep crimson.

"Cole!!!!!" I hear two girls scream at the same time. I look up to find two girls that have to be identical, running towards Cole. They don't realize he is covered in mud until he starts running towards them making them squeal and run the other way.

"Are you ready for this?" Vinny smiles at me, and I can't help but get excited about this.

Our Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें