Chapter 65

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I look at the girl in front of us, and she looks familiar.

"We gotta get out of here.." Cole says, putting the car in reverse he slams his foot on the gas and drives as fast as he can before he whips the car back around and slams it in drive. We see the car coming back at us full force, and soon another car is following us.

"I know who that is!" I yell, pulling my phone out and calling Damian. He picks up on the second ring.

"Damian! Does Paisley have a car?" I say into the phone hurriedly.

"Yea, I got it for her so she could get a better job then working at the store. Why?" He says, I can hear him become worried.

"She is following us, not normal following either.. and there is another car as well, we have tried to lose them.." I say, beginning to get angry my hormones are through the roof, and all I want to do is explode on everyone right now.

"Turn on your GPS, I'm gonna come find you don't slow-" Damian gets cut off as the car behind us rams the trunk of Vinny's car making my drop my phone. I reach for it picking it up and put the GPS on. I feel my face heating up as continue to get angrier. I crawled into the back seat and search for the hook so I can get into the trunk.

"What are you doing?! Get back up here!" Cole yells as the car gets beside us.

"It's bad enough they are chasing us, it's a whole different story when they hit his car.." I say pulling the latch, and reaching into the trunk. I grab what I am after, and shut the latch.

I look at the sleek black Sig, and chamber the gun. Cole acts as if he is about to protest when the car rams us, I get back into the passenger seat and roll down the window. The car is ramming my side, and they aren't paying attention as I aim out the window and shoot their tire two times. They veer off the side of the road hitting a tree, and the blue car speeds up, getting on the opposite side.

"She isn't stopping, and I really don't want to shoot past your head!" I yell as she rams the car. Cole winces as the metal grinds together.

"This crazy bitch is going to kill us if we don't do something!" I notice a car coming towards us really fast. We are going atleast seventy down the back road, and our car and the car beside us is taking both sides of the road.

The car is speeding towards us, and the thought hits me quickly.

"Ram her off the road, this car has enough muscle to do it!" I say sitting in the seat putting my seat belt on.

He doesn't question me, and instead swerved before swerving back into the car beside us. She tries to get back on the road, but hits the car coming towards us. The cars crush eachother, and honestly I don't see how anyone could survive that. Cole stops the car and we both jump out running to the two cars.

I slow down when I see who is in the other car.

No, this can't be real.

Why, please let him be alive..

Brandon's POV

I stand in front of the apartment, Damian called me and told me to come here and see if Paisley is home. I walk up the stairs and knock hesitantly, no one answers. I knock a couple more times, and still no answer.

I reach down and twist the door nob, I opens and I slowly walk in.

What lies in front of me is terrifying.

There are pictures of Ashton lying everywhere, and an envelope lying on the coffee table surrounded by pictures of Ashton.

All of the pictures are taking from a distant, as if she was watching Ashton but also hiding while she took the pictures.

I walk over to the coffee table, and pick up the envelope. It's heavy and I can already see what is inside. There has to be atleast five thousand in cash, but there is also a note. I pull the note out and read.

Bring me my daughter, do not tell my son any of this. He thinks he has been slick, hiding her from me, but I know that she is pregnant.

I refuse to let her bring an heir to the Black gang, especially when she is an heir to this gang. No blood of mine will be apart of that gang.

I will not let it happen.

I will kill that child.

Even if it kills her.

Bring her to me, and you will get a fresh start.

5000 up front, then 50000 when you bring her.

Don't let me down, or you will be at the bottom of the river little girl.

I drop the note, and run back out of the apartment.

That's why Damian sounded so concerned.

I wonder if he knows, I need to get to Ashton. I need to protect her, if I don't get to her in time she could die. I can't lose her, I can't let those innocent babies be killed. It will kill me if anything happens to her.

I get in my car and drive as fast as I can, I turn on my tracker, and soon see the purple signal for Ashton's phone. It's about twenty minutes from where I am. I try to call Damian back but there's no answer. I call Dylan, and after a couple rings he finally picks up.

"What's going on dude?" He whispers into the phone, I hear a girl giggle in the back ground.

"I don't want to know who you are with but I need you to get Sebastian and meet me at the location. I am about to send you." I hang up before he can refuse, I dial Ashton's number and she picks up on the first ring.

"Brandon I'm so scared.." Is all I hear before the line goes dead.

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