Chapter 28

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Brandon's POV

I drive as fast as my car will go, I want to feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I took the back road to the airport so I could blow off some steam on the way there. I don't have to be at the airport for another three hours so this works perfectly. I get excited as my car whips around the curves, and how fast the scenery is passing.

I lift up my phone noticing a couple of texts, before I can reply a horn blows, alerting me back to the road. I swerve back in my lane just in time to miss a black suv. I decide against speeding all the way there, and slow down. I pick my phone back up as it starts to ring.

"Hello?" I say into the phone still a bit ticked from earlier.

"Hello, is this Brandon?" A male voice says over the phone. It doesn't sound familiar so I start to get a little weary. I look at the caller ID and the number isn't recognizable.

"Yes, who is this?" I ask, getting my voice together to sound rough so hopefully no one tries to start anything with me.

"OK, good, this is Damian Preston I am your Bosses son. You are supposed to leave for Paris in a couple hours to get me. But I saved you the trip, can you pick me up from the airport in an hour?" I almost gasp, I never knew my boss had a son, let alone my bosses last name.

"Yes sir. I will be there soon." I say and he ends the call. I am nervous as I throw my phone to the side, I drive faster as I realize I now have less time to get there.

Damian's POV

I look at the address on my phone, and it can't be right. I check the photos again and it's the right one. My father doesn't know what I do anymore. He sent me off to Paris when he became the Guardian for the boy who will be coming to pick me up. He told me I was weak, because I didn't want to follow in his foot prints. He sent me off so that he could try to sculpt the new boy into what he always wanted me to be. I never wanted to be with my father. I vaguely remember my mother, and that's how I knew how to search. It was hard at first, but I think I have found her. I will just have to take a detour, I'm sure I can bribe the boy to take me where I want him to. I will just have to get rid of his phone first. I know all of my father's tricks. And he knows this, that's why he sent me off, I knew how to break him. You can't sculpt someone into what you want them to be if they know how to break you. My father tried to make me believe that my mother left me, but I know the truth. She searched for me, she almost died when she found me the last time. That was the last time I saw my mother, but I knew she wasn't dead. She survived, and ended up getting married. My father thinks I believed him, when he said she left us. I know the truth, she tried to keep me with her. He almost killed her in the process. Ever since I could search for her without him knowing, I have done just that. He thinks I will never leave him. That I will take over his gang when he dies. I will take over his gang, but not the way he intends for it to be done.

I check my phone, I have about thirty minutes before the boy gets here. I walk outside of the airport and decide to wait in the cool air. I zip up the leather jacket I am wearing, and lean against the nearest wall.

"Hi there, you look a little lost.." I hear a girl say not far from me. She is a rather beautiful girl, she has bright green eyes with dark red hair. I also realize she must be a street girl, the clothes she wears have rips in them with a slight bit of dirt where she must have been sitting on the ground.

"Why hello, I'm not lost, just waiting on my ride. What are you doing out here by yourself?" I give her a soft smile, she blushes and she must be around nineteen. She is almost a head shorter than me, and I find it rather cute.

"Oh, I'm just bored, thought I would take a walk.." she alerts her gaze as she dances around the fact that she is probably using the airport as a shelter.

"What's your name beautiful?" I ask her, causing her to blush again.

"Paisley.." she whispers, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear.

"That's a beautiful name, my name is Damian." I say putting a hand out for her to shake. She shakes it quickly, before she shoves her hands in her pockets.

"So Paisley, do you have a place to go?" I say bluntly, and the question catches her off guard. She looks at me quizzically, before nodding.

"Don't lie to me.." I whisper softly, trying to make sure she realizes I don't want to hurt her.

"Well.. um... I did have a place, but they kind of moved away.." she stumbles over the words, she wraps her arms around herself fighting off the cold. I can't help but unzip my jacket and hand it to her.

"Take my jacket.." she slowly grabs it, and puts it on. It engulfs her, and I can't help but grin.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to do that.. I didn't try talking to you to get help, I just thought you needed someone to talk to.." she says quickly, seeming aggravated.

"Paisley, I could have ignored you. But I wanted to talk to you, because I think you are a very beautiful girl. And I also think you don't deserve to be on the streets. Would you like to stay with me? Or I could set you up in your own place, what ever you want. No strings attached."

She looks down at the ground, pondering on what I have asked her.

"No strings attached?"


"My own place"

"If you would like, yes."

"OK, just till I can get on my own two feet.." I smile as she looks down at the ground, she is very beautiful. I'm not the type of guy that usually does this, but I think I may actually stick around for this one.

My thoughts are cut off by a black suv pulling up in front of me. The window rolls down, and I see a boy about nineteen staring at me.

"Damian?" He asks, his voice rough and determined.

"Yes that's me.. I got a few things I need you to do for me." I say, and he looks at me confused, but eventually nods." OK first things first, she is coming with us." He looks at the girl standing beside me then nods.

"Secondly, loose the phone. I'll get you a new one and download all your info for you, but you have a GPS, and my father is tracking you. He doesn't know I came on my own so we have atleast a day to do what I need to. And third, don't ask questions. If my father finds out I'll deal with him." He stares at me for a few minutes before slowly nodding.

This is going to be interesting.

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