Chapter 45

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Brandon's POV

I slam my fist against the window of my car shattering it. Travis leans against the front of it letting me let out my anger.

"Are you done acting like a two year old?" Travis says looking over at me. He has been off since the fight, and I can't understand why.

"I'm not acting like a two year old, he took her virginity!" I yell, Travis isn't fazed instead he walks up to me getting mere inches from my face.

"Look Brandon, she deserves to be someone's first especially when they were her first. She loves him, and he loves her there isn't anything anyone can do about it Brandon. So you can suck it up and apologize to Ashton, she doesn't need to be put through this shit. I know you care about her and so do I, I knew she wasn't a virgin when I seen her at the ice cream shop. I didn't tell you because I knew you would act like this, you are to selfish for your own good. I know you would do anything for Ashton, but you know why you can't be with her.." he says backing away and getting into the passenger side of my vehicle. I open the door sending little shards of glass flying and sweep out as much glass as I can, before I slide into the seat.

I drive out of the school parking lot, and decide to go home and get ready for one of the parties happening tonight.

Ashton's POV

I look at the time on my phone, we still have atleast an hour before the party. I am sitting on Vinny's bed waiting for him to get out of the shower. Before we left my house he forced me to take a shower so I would feel better and he even picked out my clothes and had them lying on the bed when I got out.

I lay back against Vinny's pillows, and lay my hand on my stomach. I am scared to death of this, but I refuse to be the girl that gives her baby up. I believe Vinny, I know he will love me and our baby.

I stand and walk over to the mirror on his wall. I look at myself, and you can tell I have been crying. I am wearing a powder blue mini dress that comes to the middle of my thighs with my leather jacket over it, with my black converse to go with it. I look good in what I am wearing but I'm trying to picture my self with a huge baby belly. I laugh at the thought, and I hear someone cough behind me. I turn around my hand still on my stomach. I find Cole smirking at me until he notices my hand. I drop my hand, and walk back to the bed.

"You have a stomach ache or something?" He questions me, I ignore him. Instead I lay down on Vinny's bed, and cuddle with his pillow. It smells just like him, and I can't stop myself from sniffing it.

"Look I know you are mad at me, but I really didn't mean to say it.." he comes over and sits on the bed beside me.

"Ashton you are going to have to talk to me sooner or later.." he says poking my side, I continue to ignore him. I hear Vinny come out of his bathroom, he looks directly at Cole and glares at him. I don't hardly notice it as I notice the fact that he is only wearing a towel. My stomach erupts into a million butterflies as he points to the door, and Cole gets up walking out without another word. Vinny slams the door before he walks over to the bed. He slowly leans down and puts his body directly over mine.

"I'll deal with him Ashton, don't worry. And as for this.." he whispers laying his hand against my stomach, "We will tell our parents soon. But we can't tell very many people, we don't need it getting back to James Preston.."

"We need to tell Cole.." I whisper not wanting to but I know he needs to know especially since he will be going to the party as well.

"I will tell him to come back in here, let me get dressed first baby.." he kisses me before he turns around and walks to the closet. He drops his towel, and I almost faint. I know we had sex, but when you have a Greek God standing in front of you naked you can't help but almost faint. I can feel my face heating up, and I hear Vinny chuckle.

"Sorry I guess I should have warned you." He laughs as he pulls on some boxers.

When he finishes getting dressed he yells for Cole, not a second later the door opens. It's almost as if he was just sitting outside the door waiting.

"First off Cole, I should have beat the crap out of you for opening your mouth." Vinny says sternly, making Cole avoid his gaze.

"I'm sorry-" Cole starts to say but Vinny cuts him off.

"Secondly, I'm going to be a dad." Vinny says bluntly, making Cole choke on his words. He looks at me and I look down at the floor.

"Bro, you didn't wear a condom?" Cole says running a hand over his face.

"No Cole I didn't, because at the moment I was realizing there was an amazingly beautiful girl sitting in front of me. I wasn't thinking about the consequences, but I'm willing to stand up and take care of them." Vinny says getting frustrated.

"Vincent.. I'm not trying to sound rude. I will be here for the both of you.." Cole says walking up, and giving Vinny a hug. He comes over to me and gives me a small smile before he gives me a big hug. I smile up at him as he let's go.

"Well, let's get this baby momma to that party." Cole says, making me and Vinny roll our eyes.

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