Chapter 5

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"OK Ashton, that is not how you make friends.." the tall tan boy who I now know as Travis, says after I beat him at doing squats.

"It's not her fault you aren't at all flexible." The short guy with the muscles, whose name is Sebastian, laughs.

The pale guys name is Dylan, he doesn't really talk much. But when he does he is very sweet. I look around at the boys and laugh. I really wasn't expecting to make friends, but I guess I have and they are all decent human beings.

"How about we all go get something to eat?" Brandon says, trying to calm Travis down. Travis instead walks over to me, and without hesitation picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. It causes me to let out a loud huff. And that's when I realize, my shirt has slid up and is now exposing all of my back and if I wasn't laying against his back they would all see my bra.

"Put me down, Travis!" I start hitting his back.

"I don't think I will, I think everyone likes this view." He laughs, causing me to gasp. Before he has time to react I swing my self around causing Travis to lose his balance and fall flat on the floor and my legs.

I look up at the other boys and they are all looking away blushing.


"Jesus woman, are you trying to kill me?" Travis says, slowly getting up off the floor. He holds a hand out for me to grab, and gently pulls me up.

"If that's what it takes for you to put me down then, hey, I'll be at your funeral." I say readjusting my shirt.

"If I had a heart that would hurt, Ash." Travis says flatly.

"OK, ok, let's go get some pizza. And a snickers for Travis because he just isn't himself when he is hungry." Brandon says wrapping an arm around my shoulders, causing me to shiver. I usually would have done smacked a guy for doing that but it's actually kind of pleasant.

"Is that ok with you gorgeous?" Brandon smiles down at me, I nod trying not to blush.

We all head out side and Brandon decides to ride in the car with me because 'a young woman should never be alone' he states multiple times.

"So, what's your story?" Brandon says messing with the radio.

"Like my life story, or why I moved here?" I say staring at the road.

"What made you move here?"

"Well, where to start. First off what I tell you does not get repeated, understood?" He nods sincerely.

"OK, well last year around the very beginning of the school year I was in a relationship with this guy named Marcus. It wasn't a deep relationship honestly, I mean I kissed him a lot but I never really held his hand or told him I loved him. One day, I had been hanging out with some of my family, But me and Marcus were supposed to study together, considering he was failing a couple classes. Well he had not replied to me all day, so I decided to go to his house. When I got there his mom let me in and I went straight to his room, before I opened the door I heard noises coming from the room not thinking anything of it I opened the door. Finding him on top of my best friend giving her all he had." I take a breath looking over at Brandon to see his reaction. He is looking at the road but listening still.

"So, I continued to stand there till they finished and noticed me. But I wasn't mad it didn't hurt really, but when I went back to school everyone was confronting me about stuff I didn't do. Like one girl said I slept with her boyfriend, and another said I made her boyfriend break up with her. My ex best friend even told everyone that I stole marcus from her by sleeping with him. I never slept with anyone, I'm still a virgin. But no one believed me so one day I gave up and instead of trying to defend my self I just started fighting people. And eventually was on a first name basis with the principal. Well, my mom worked at a school the next town over, so she always had to send my dad to come get me. So he would always be in the principals office talking, sometimes for hours while I waited outside. I didn't notice it then, but I should have noticed something off when my dad would come out flushed all the time. Then one day, my dad never showed up to pick me up from school so the vice principal called my mom to come get me because apparently the principal was out sick. When me and my mom got home, we walked in on my dad getting a blow job from my male principal. After that my mom divorced my dad and we moved here. So, yea, that's my story." I say, feeling nervous about what Brandon will say to what I told him.

"You're a virgin?" He blinks at me, I blush and decide to look away.

"Hey, wait I'm not saying that's a bad thing. That's actually an awesome thing, it's not all sunshine and daisies you know. Not until you find the right person. So don't let anyone try to pressure you unless it feels right." Brandon says, causing me to smile.

I feel so much better, telling someone what's happened to me. I don't know why but for some reason I feel like I finally have a true friend.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, but your secret is safe with me beautiful." Brandon smiles at me.

"Thank you Brandon, I don't really open up to people. But it feels good to be able to open up to somebody."

"I understand entirely, Ash, you can always come to me. Me and the boys got your back." He says, winking at me. I chuckle, looking at him curiously.

" You all got my back huh? Like you all did earlier?" I say remembering when Travis had me on his shoulder causing my but to be in the air.

"Um, uhh, I don't know what you are talking about.." he says blushing a crimson red.

"It's ok, I know how it looks why do you think I do all the squats?" I say winking at him, he then burst out laughing and I join in as we pull into the pizza place.

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