Chapter 27

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Travis's POV

I can't believe I said that, I was in hopes by the way I said it that Brandon thought I was talking about Cole and Vinny. But apparently they all read between the lines. Ashton doesn't see me that way though, she never will. I am waiting outside of her room, I ran to the gift shop and got her some flowers and a teddy bear. Now I am waiting for the doctor to let me in. I am the first one that is going to get to see her, Vinny told me to go first due to his father and uncle showing up at the hospital to check up on her. She knows who all is here to see her, I hope she wants to see me..

"You can come in now sir." The doctor says with a smile. I nod, and walk into the room. She is lying on her back with messy hair and she is pale. She still looks beautiful, I can feel my face heating up as she looks over at me and smiles.

"Um, I brought you this.." I say holding up the contents in my hands. "I hope you like it, how are you feeling dare devil?"

"Eh, I have felt better. Definitely never going rafting again.." she says quietly, she tries to smooth out the hair on her head but it doesn't work due to the bandage on the other side of her head.

"So how long did they say you would be in here?" I ask, in hopes it isn't long, so boss doesn't find out where she is.

"A couple days probably, they said because of my blood loss that they need to keep a close eye on me.. is Brandon mad at Vinny?" Her voice is a soft whisper, and I just want to pull her in to my arms and tell her that I love her. But she is already confused enough, with Brandon and Vinny. She doesn't need to know how I feel..

"He will be fine, don't worry about him. He just wants someone to blame, and sadly Vinny and Cole were with you when it happened so they are the ones getting the blame. But I put him in his place so hopefully there isn't a fight breaking out in the waiting room. Although you are the perfect girl to fight for.." the last words I say is barely a whisper, she looks up at me and for a moment I think she hears the last words I said. Before she can speak there is a knock on the door.

"Well, I will leave this on your table and let the others see you.." I place the flowers and teddy bear on the table beside her then lean in and give her a gentle kiss on the forehead. As I am turning around to leave the room, I hear her say something.

"I love you T.."

Ashton's POV

He turns and smiles before leaving my room. Travis is an amazing guy, he is mature and I can tell he cares more for me than he says. He doesn't want to get in Brandon's way, I respect that. Honestly I care about all of the guys. And the fact that they all care about me is amazing but I am only one person, I wish I could love all of them the way they want me to. At first I thought it was only Vinny and Brandon, now it's Cole and Travis too. I look up and find Vinny standing in the door way he looks exhausted.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have made you do that.." he says as he walks to me and I can here his voice breaking. And I can't help but want to cuddle him.

"It's not like I got shot, I just busted up my head pretty good. It's ok Vincent-" he silences me, as his lips come crashing down on mine. I feel like melting right there, but luckily I don't.

"Ashton, I love you.." he says quickly. At first his words don't register, but when they do its like a smack to the face. Or should I say the heart?

"Y-you wh-what?" I stutter out, barely able to speak.

His eyes are watering as he sits on the edge of the bed, and I pull him to me.

"I feel the same.." I say, my eyes watering. I can't bring myself to say the words but I know that I do have very strong feelings for him. He wraps his arms around me tighter and I feel safe and secure.

"Ashton will you be my girl?" He whispers into my hair, and all I can do is nod. He holds me tighter before leaning back and kissing me repeatedly. We hear the door open and it makes us both jump as we both see Brandon walk in. He looks at the both of us wrapped in eachother and his face falls.

"Hey B, I didn't think I would get to see you." I say, as Vinny let's me go, but doesn't get up from the spot he is sitting on.

"Well I was the last one here so I thought I would wait till everyone was done, but Boss wants me to do something for him so I just came on in.. I didn't mean to interrupt. It's good to see you are doing alright Ashton.." he looks at the floor, wanting to say more.

"Vinny do you care to give us a moment?" I ask him, he nods before leaning in and kissing me on the forehead. He gets up and nods at Brandon before he walks out of the room.

"I didn't have a chance did I?.." Brandon says as the door closes. He is looking directly at me now, and his stare makes my breath hitch.

"Brandon, don't look at it like that.. I was giving you a chance.. I came to that party that night to give you another chance and you decided you didn't want another chance.. I want to be happy Brandon. I do care about you.." Before I can say more he turns and walks out of the door. And I know he feels like I don't care.

I do care though.. I am doing this to protect him..

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