Chapter 14

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It's been a week since I saw Brandon kissing some girl at a party, after I found out that by kissing me he basically was only trying to get me to fall for him even though he didn't like me like that. That night he didn't apologize, or try to explain himself. No instead he left, and had his tongue down some easy girls throat. Travis, Dylan, and Sebastian all tried to explain his actions, but I shrugged them off the whole way home. I haven't seen or heard from Brandon since.

Today was an in service day at school so I have been home all day. My mother was at the school catching up on her work. Travis said he was going to stop by and hang out later when he is done with "work", but as of right now I'm bored to death.

I scroll through the posts on Instagram while waiting for someone to save me from boredom. I see a couple of posts that catch my eye. The first one is a picture of a gorgeous lake, with a beautiful sunset.

This reminds me of something I broke. Beautiful, and it doesn't belong to me..

I sigh, why does he do this. He must have known I would eventually see this. It doesn't make since though, why is he still posting this if he doesn't look at me like that. I look at the next post, it's a picture of a half eaten tub of chocolate ice cream.

If my name was Ed Sheeran I could sing you a song to make this right, but instead all I have is ice cream is that alright?

I almost laugh at how corny it is, but instead I just shut my phone off and decide to go for a walk. I put on some high waisted skinny jeans with my black converse high tops and a crop top hoodie. When I reach the front door I make sure I have my phone, and keys then walk out and head down the street.

By the time I reach the sidewalk, I can hear all the neighborhood children running around playing games with each other. It's so relaxing that I don't even realize someone is walking beside me until they speak.

"Long time no see stranger, I've missed you where have you been?" I turn to find Vinny grinning at me.

"Hmm, let me see, I have been at school. I thought you were going to be starting school here?" I ask remembering that he told me he would be.

"Well, my dad is making me start next week. So I can get used the this place. And I would like to make some friends before school too." He sounds bashful as he kicks some rocks on the sidewalk.

"Well, you already have one friend there bud." I elbow him gently in the side.

"You sound like my mother, but I'll take it." He grins, poking me in the side. "Hey, you want to come to my house? I have multiple game systems, movies, food, a pool, and a hot tub."

"Sure, why not? I don't have anything better to do and as of right now no one requires my presence elsewhere." I say as we cross the street and walk a little further, until we stop in front of a beautiful house. From the outside it looks like it has at least 7 bedrooms. We walk into the front door, and are suddenly greeted by the smell of fresh baked brownies.

"Hmm, we'll my mom must be home now.." he cringes before we see a short round women walk through a door way. Vinny looks at me with wide eyes before I here a high pitched squeal.

"Oh honey, honey, honey! You didn't tell me you were bringing a girl over! I would have made dinner sooner! She must stay and have some brownies, and wait for dinner.. what is your name young lady?" She says striding towards me, when she reaches me she pulls me into a bear hug before I can respond.

"Her name is Ashton Niko, ma, we will be going to the same school. She is coming over to play video games.." he says grabbing my hand and tugging me away from the older woman.

"OK honey, your father and your uncle will be here soon, and so will your cousin they will be ecstatic to meet your first friend here." She practically jumps with joy. He just continues to pull me away from his mother and up the stairs to what I assume will be his room. When we finally reach the room, he pulls me inside and shuts the door locking it behind him. Surprisingly it doesn't freak me out, probably because he doesn't seem at all scary.

"Sorry, it's just for safety precautions. Once my dad, uncle, and cousin find out I have a girl in here they will all try to barge in here to make fun of me." He says quickly, blushing a deep crimson.

"What have you never had a girlfriend or something?"

"No, and don't make fun of me for it.."

"Hold up just a second, you are telling me that you are a senior in high school, a hot one at that, and have never had a girlfriend?" I don't care that I openly called him hot, the guy needs a confidence boost, plus it's true so it's a win win.

"Never had time for it, no one ever struck me as worthy till recently.." he says with his back towards me, he is wearing a black tshirt with ripped skinny jeans and red converse. You can see the muscles under his shirt as he lifts a box, turning and bringing it to the bed in front of me. "I forgot to mention, I also have board games, that's if you even like board games."

"Hmm, board games huh? You may have just won my heart.."

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