Chapter 18

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"Brandon, Travis this is my friend Vinny Black. Vinny this is my friends Brandon Walker and Travis Taylor. There are two others but I don't know where they are.." I say looking at Brandon curiously.

"They are working, they took our shift so we could come visit you, it was supposed to be a surprise. But I guess it was more of a rescue." Brandon smirks towards Vinny.

"You didn't rescue anyone I had him right where I wanted him." Vinny defends not caring at all that he has a black eye.

"Brandon, stop, and Vinny thank you for doing what you did. But you really didn't have to. I don't need protecting, I'll be fine.." I say to the guys, and they all stare at me funny then burst out laughing.

"You-" Brandon says while laughing, and trying to catch his breath. "Really think that you can handle yourself and we aren't going to protect you?"

"Yea seriously, your so funny." Travis says pushing me over.

"Ashton, we know you are tough but that doesn't mean the world isn't tougher." Vinny says turning serious.

"What do you mean?" I look at all three guys.

"Just trust us, we need to watch out for you ok?" Brandon says, looking at me then at Vinny. 

"This is going to be fun, especially since we are in rival gangs-" Travis says, but gets cut off by Vinny and Brandon both smacking him.

"What did you say?" I ask Travis, as I look at Vinny. Travis goes white, as he realizes that he wasn't supposed to say that in front of me.

"Well, while you were passed out we kind off introduced eachother, and learned some very interesting things.." Brandon says while looking anywhere but at me.

"Stop beating around the bush, dude, Ashton I'm in a gang. And it just so happens that we are in rival gangs. We learned it as soon as we seen each other during the argument earlier today. The day that me and you met, I had met your four friends as well. Just not as nicely.." Vinny looks at me, suddenly seeming a whole lot older than he actually is.

"Well, if your dad and uncle hadn't tried to recruit us while he threatened our boss none of that would have happened." Travis defends.

"My father and uncle simply want to help you all get out of a gang that will soon kill it's own kind. I know you think I am crazy, but if you all came to us then everyone would be fine." Vinny tells the boys in a pleading voice.

"He would kill us as soon as he saw us close to your base.." Brandon snaps. "You know that, and you are also talking about the man that took care of me when I lost my father.."

"What do you think happened to your father Brandon. My dad knew your father, he knows what happened to him." Vinny dodges as Brandon swings at him.

"He wouldn't kill my dad, you don't know what you are talking about. So just keep my business out of your mouth!" Brandon says swinging again, and connecting with the side of Vinny's face. Before we can react, Vinny loses his composure and punches Brandon in the jaw. I jump up from my seat, and run between them.

Brandon stops his fist just in time, his eyes find mine as I frown at him. Vinny turns and walks out of the room, and I realize I can't let him leave like this.

"Don't move a muscle, or I will hurt you worse than he did." I threaten Brandon.

I run out of the room and call out to Vinny. He is already outside, when I finally catch up to him. I pull his arm around, to make him look at me.

"Vinny I'm sorry please don't leave.." I plead, Vinny looks at me and smiles.

"Beautiful, I just need to cool off, I'll be back whether he likes it or not. I'm not leaving you because he doesn't want to hear the truth. I'll never leave you.." he whispers, leaning down to kiss my cheek. "Be ready by six in the morning I'll be here to pick you up for camping."

I can't help but smile as he walks away. He looks back and winks before he is out of sight.

I turn and walk back into my house finding Brandon and Travis in the kitchen. Brandon has a bag of frozen peas resting against his jaw, while Travis munches on some baby carrots.

"I don't like him.." Brandon says, before he realizes I am ready to castrate him.

"You have a lot you need to tell me, and Travis you aren't going anywhere." I say as Travis tries to leave the room. He walks back to the island and sits down at one of the stools.

"OK, for one I am sorry about everything that has happened. What you heard that night, was not what it sounded like. I was going to explain but you punched me in the face then pushed me out of your front door. I didn't kiss you to try and use you, I kissed you because I wanted to. And boss had asked me to get you to get close to Mr Jacobs, and he also wanted me to get you to fall for me so that you would do anything I asked. He wanted to have you as our throw away. Someone we could use till we didn't need them anymore. He wanted to use you to get to Vinny's families gang. And now it's even more dangerous, because not only did you become friends with Vinny but now he wants you. You don't realize how dangerous it is to be around me, let alone be around Vinny. We both want you and once boss finds that out, no one will be able to stop him from taking down that gang. But he won't use us to do it. He will use you.."

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