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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 16

After Grandpa Keir shifts back to skin and new clothes are adorned, the packs wait in complete silence while Sophia trembles. Quinn has tears streaming down her cheeks while she hiccups a sob...regardless if she accepted the inevitable death of her mate...his soul being ripped away from their bond still causes her indescribable pain.

Grandpa Keir turns to Quinn and states, "Your mate was a traitor an-"

"I understand," Quinn manages to steady her voice as she holds the baby in her arms, small cries coming from the tiny form. She swallows hard and nods replying, "If you wish to kill or exile me, I accept this fate."

Grandpa Keir's eyes remain on her as he says, "Your death is not warranted, however-"

"If you are to turn her away and exile her from your pack," Etain raises her voice and claims with pride, "for her discretion, Quinn Hale is welcomed into the Mercy Matrons with open arms."

Quinn's eyes widen as if a light suddenly shines down on her form at those words. The understanding that Etain recognizes doesn't go unnoticed because Grandpa Keir and Alpha Chris nod their response.

Quinn turns to her daughter and shifts the baby into her arms as is does not belong to Quinn herself...but to Sophia. Quinn steps back and away, watching as Sophia stares at her mother with shock and cries, "Mom?? What about me?!" She's in a panic...

...though Grandpa Keir steps in.

Grandpa Keir next sentences Sophia with a commanding tone, "For your selfish act of treason with a secret kept under your father's guidance...I, Alpha Keir Wood, exile you, Sophia Hale from the Silent Stars Pack."

Sophia stares at him with complete shock as she glances from Grandpa Keir and then to Alpha Chris, begging him, "Alpha Chris, pl-"

"You disgrace your pack and yourself," Alpha Chris snaps with anger and snarls, "you have no allies among the Crusaders Pack."

My heart is beating fast in my chest as Sophia looks around at anyone for help, but she receives the iciest of looks that rival my mom's. Even when her gaze lands on me briefly, I see the pain she holds, but she brought this on herself, and I hold no sympathy for her.

Sophia's voice is so watery as she then snaps to Grandpa Keir, "Bu-But how am I supposed to raise a baby as a rogue?!" Tears are streaming down her cheeks at this point, and I watch the way my grandpa regards her.

Etain looks hard at Grandpa Keir, watching and waiting for his response...

Grandpa Keir's voice holds power when he says, "Your child was born into the Silent Stars Pack and is welcome however, you will never be," he pauses a moment before I see Etain's features soften, "you can surrender your child, and I will take it in as my blood..." as his voice trails off, Etain's eyes widen.

She's used to packs forsaking what would be an orphan or a rogue child...

...there is so much respect I see that she holds for Grandpa Keir.

Sophia is staring hard for a moment while she thinks hard and finally swallows before saying, "I surrender my child," she is almost hesitant as she approaches Grandpa Keir, but he's not harsh in the slightest as he takes the baby from her gently. After the transfer, he looks at her and sets the law down, "Should you return to this territory, you will be killed on site."

Sophia is crying as she nods her response while she's given a few minutes to get whatever belongings she can take with her with the escort of a Crusaders Pack warrior. As everything is carried out, it's a shroud that rests upon the packs, and as Sophia leaves the territory, the cloud is lifted, and calmness returns.

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