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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 14

Meliorist Sanctum

There is a buzz about the high school this year.

This is because Ciarán and I stand about a foot away from one another, Dante standing right behind the two of us as we face the iron gates of Meliorist Sanctum. It sits on acres of land, not able to grasp the full majesty that is this haven for species wanting to live among one another for the future generations.

We are not referred to as either Matz or Arin.

We are Valentines here...

As Dante had established this school, it was only a matter of time before his children would attend and that's why everyone within these walls is buzzing with activity. Even though we are freshmen, we are treated differently from those in our class.

Dante had already shown us around and what dorms we would be staying in a while attending the school year. He had reminded me that whether or not I was able to get my professors to advance my work and finish it for the entire year, I still wasn't allowed to leave the grounds. This isn't just about attending for educational purposes; it is also about influence and learning about other species while coming together to coexist peacefully.

My nose will be buried in a book in the library that I can guarantee.

"I'll be checking in every quarter for about a week as usual," Dante informs the two of us while he nods through the gates and states, "classes start tomorrow. You can use today to get familiar with the layout as well as settling in your dorms. Alumni are allowed on school grounds and help with final projects near the end of the year, so don't be worried if you see older individuals that aren't teachers...they are permitted on the grounds."

Ciarán hardly bats an eye, walking away from the both of us and down one of the many pathways through the buildings. Standing alone, Dante asks me, "Are you going to be alright?"


Time will tell.

"Yes," I reply very flat, though he chuckles and pulls me into a hug while I have my bags over my shoulders. I needed that...holding him back tightly before I breathe in and out to steady myself.

After the previous summer...I didn't go back to Grandpa Keir's pack this past one...the last summer before high school.

I don't know if I'll ever go back again.

"I love you little one," Dante smiles when we pull away from one another, my eyes lingering on his when I nod in return.

Taking a few steps back I reply, "I love you too," before I also leave the place we'd been standing. Heading through the gates before they close behind me, I glance around at the different paths that he'd shown us before. Quite a few individuals were milling about while settling before classes tomorrow.

Holding my bags tighter to me, I walk quietly to where the dorm Dante said I'd be staying in is located. Opening the door to the common room, I see a living room with a fireplace while off to the side is a kitchen area. At the back of the living room is a staircase leading up to the dorm rooms.

Seeing as no one is in the living room, I head up the stairs, glancing around until I find my name on the top floor. I'm sharing a room with two others as there are three beds...and when I turn the corner to reach my bed, I nearly have a heart attack.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" She exclaims while taking a step back after running into her behind the open door.

"No, it's my fault...I-"

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