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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 16

It was during the summer solstice that I left the Silent Stars Pack and the Crusaders Pack to travel with Grandpa Keir for the biannual council meeting. It was very disconcerting...the way I saw my mom speaking when the meeting was held. It's like how she was emotionless when sentencing me for a crime I didn't commit.

The way the entire council interacts with each other, they are trying to uphold peace and hearing different situations and possible instances where safety is at risk, they do act accordingly.

I will say this; my mom is an excellent ruler...

...but a horrible mom.

Lars had mentioned about what happened at Meliorist Sanctum and questioned my mom about the safety behind true born hybrids. It was difficult because she was protecting her son, but also weighing the genuine possibility of the very nature of a true born hybrid. She didn't dismiss the concerns that arose from the other council members once Lars opened the can of worms that stemmed many questions.

Dante had been quick to point out the Vindicator Wardens Pack and how they are all mixtures of hybrids, yet they have been the forefront of the world's safety. It was a hard argument, especially when Lars argued that nothing lasts forever and once an individual has had a taste of the power it can possess, it'll consume them.

Dad...I didn't even want to look at him...I can't face him.

He had been the one to question Lars, asking if not the Vindicator Wardens Pack, who else would help bring those to justice? Lars never had a response...

Before Grandpa Keir and I said our goodbyes, I tried to find Ciarán, but Dante had mentioned he was out with Cypher and one of his new friends by the name of Ryser. We left after the meeting as we also took the long drive back to the pack lodge. Grandpa Keir talked a lot about his thoughts, and it was nice to see different perspectives on common issues that come up more often than I believed.

After I returned with Grandpa Keir...everyone kept asking me why I left to go to the meeting, perhaps some of them believe I missed my family, but that apparently wasn't the case...instead, I finally came clean and told everyone that I was next in line and required to be present at the council meetings. Surprisingly enough, there weren't any mixed emotions. Everyone was happy for me because after the display they saw from Ciarán with Ridge, a lot of wolves believed that if he could so quickly reject his mate without even knowing him. He isn't fit for the throne because he showed signs of being able not to accept everyone as one should.

Tell that to my mom.

The months went by, and each day I saw Marcus growing more like the wolf Grandpa Keir is despite his age, I recognize the alter in his mere behavior. Jelena and Dexter were excited about their birthdays because everyone has claimed that they're mates. I wouldn't be around for that though, because Dexter turns sixteen after I leave, but I told Jelena that she needs to call and let me know.

This morning brings a different feeling, an aura settling around me as I slowly open my eyelids from my deep sleep. I dreamed of Uncle Keveon along with who I now know...Marc, though I can't remember most bits and pieces of it. Grandpa Keir told me last night that everything is already set up at the lake for my birthday party.

"Cacia!" I'm hardly sitting up in my bed when I hear Marcus slam through my bedroom door and run right at me. He leaps onto the bed and wraps his arms around me while saying, "Happy birthday Cacia!"

"Awe," I hold him close to me, snuggling with him as he laughs and giggles hysterically. I kiss the top of his head and say, "I love you, Marcus," before giving him one final squeeze, shooing him and saying, "go get ready, I'll be out in just a bit."

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