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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 15

Taron walked away that night...

...the night of the end of the year ball. He thoroughly believed that I was giving myself now willingly to Mercury and that there was nothing left to be said between us.

I came home with my parents this past summer, my brother wanting to spend time with his friends and only including me every once and awhile. I would respectfully decline as usual, and that would put us at a more considerable tension than before.

Mercury was odd...acting slightly off while not approaching me or trying to hurt me. I'm thankful for it, but it reminded me of that short time during the school year where I wasn't his focus. It's better that way, but I never know when he's going to switch again or what his motives are.

I hadn't seen Lars or Nimue in awhile and surprisingly...I'd grown to like their unusual presence. If anything, I feel alone and out of place once again. Mom and dads try to offer to spend time with me, but I don't want to.

Marcus is seven now...I can't believe how much he's grown.

He was very proud to tell me that he hasn't been his clumsy self...oh little brother, how wrong you are behind the reasoning you think you're so inept.

Currently, Marcus and I are sitting watching a movie, his greedy hands hogging the bowl of popcorn. I reach across and attempt to grab some when he exclaims, "Hey!"

"You can share," I tease him while coming away from the bowl with a handful of popcorn.

"Little love," dad's voice comes from the open archway leading into the living room. Marcus glances at me, and I look at him.

Marcus states, "You're in trouble, you're in trouble!"

"I didn't do anything!" I laugh while pushing him slightly and he giggles. Standing from the couch, dad's green eyes fall on me, and I quickly compose myself before he nods in the direction of the hallway.

"Can I speak to you for a moment in the library?" He asks, and I'm hesitant at first, but then I slowly nod. He's quiet for the most part, but does ask me, "Are you ready to go back to school soon?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I say, "Yes and no."

"Why not?" He asks while we make our way in the direction of the library.

"Well...I could do all four years in one if I were allowed to, but you all won't let me finish with schooling and are making me socialize," I throw that at him quite hard, but he jokingly shrugs it off.

He reminds me, "You need to socialize...it's good for you to make new friends."

"I have new friends, but I can't visit them," the feeling of dejection settles in as I'm not part of either of their worlds and wouldn't be able to spend time with them. Sinéad and Niamh had their pendants taken away as punishment for the way they acted toward one another.

I only know this because of Aspen talking about it at the summer solstice meeting. Nyx has told me that Fae was learning about her essential royal duties as she would take on her mother's queen position one day.

"One day you won't be restricted by how young you are and you'll be able to make your own choices," dad smiles at me.

Some choices are being made for me despite my age.

After dad opens the library door for me, he allows for me to step inside before him. I love the library because of the warmth and safety I feel among escaping reality to multiple worlds and lives I'd never live. In those books alone I can be whatever I want to be...

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