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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 13

I did precisely what Grandpa Keir asked of me...

Except for Sophia, I kept to only really talking and hanging out with Jelena, Dexter, and Holden, along with a few other pre-teens of his pack.

Sophia had turned thirteen while away with the Crusaders Pack in early spring as she'd been complaining to her daddy when she would shift. There wasn't a given date; the age just marked the year it would become possible for her to shift. Jelena will be turning thirteen in a week and my birthday was just last week while Dexter won't reach the age of thirteen until after I leave.

Holden had his just yesterday.

It was fun to celebrate as he and Dexter were pranking each other the entire day leading up to pizza and cake. He got many fun gifts and couldn't wait to try them out.

Unfortunately, this morning isn't the greatest as I feel like I'm dying...

"Acacia? Are you going to hang out?" Dexter is knocking on my door.

Curling up into a tighter ball on my side, I pull my covers closer to me as I say back, "No...I'm dying."

"What?!" Dexter freaks out before I can hear him yelling, "Alpha Keir!"

It hurts a lot, the pain in my lower abdomen feels like its crippling me from even getting out of the bed. I want to stay in this bed forever and curled up without anyone to bother me, gritting through the pain as I close my eyelids.

"Acacia?" Grandpa Keir knocks on my door, and I shake my head into the pillow, my hair was all strewn around me as I keep my eyelids closed tightly together. There's a few moments pause before he says, "I'm coming in now, okay?"

With the sound of the door opening, I can hear Jelena and Dexter talking just down the hallway. The noise goes away the second Grandpa Keir closes the door behind him and walks toward my bed. He releases a sigh and asks, "Why did Dexter just tell me that you're dying?"

"I feel like it..." my voice trails off while I see his shadow move around to the side of the bed through my closed lids. Slowly, I open my eyelids, and he crouches down next to me, his eyes searching mine, and I say, "It won't go away."

He chuckles, his irises shifting to their golden color as his wolf shows itself and then asks, "May I ask if your mother has had that talk with you?"

"What talk?" Furrowing my brows, I bring my knees up tighter to my chest, almost digging them through my stomach.

"I see..." he pauses a moment before his eyes slightly darken while I know he's communicating with someone in his pack. After he's done, he then questions me, "Are you bleeding?"

My eyes widen, and I say, "I...umm..."

He offers me a sympathetic smile before his arms work their way around to warp under my body, curling me up with the blanket into his arms. He holds me close to his chest as my forehead leans into him. Grandpa Keir says, "Let's get you into a warm bath and then we'll go from there, okay?"

Nodding my head against his chest, I close my eyelids tight again when I feel my muscles clenching tightly, my heart beating fast as he carries me into the hallway and down it. In the bathroom, one of his pack members stands from the side of the tub and leaves the room, the steam rising from the surface.

I've never felt so weak or faint...even when I've been bitten. It's a different type of exhaustion, and I'm thankful to my grandpa as he helps me from the blanket and out of my soiled PJs. He nods at the bath water and says, "Sit in here for a bit, and I'll be right back," he then motions to the curtain and mentions, "I'm leaving the door cracked open for a few minutes until I get back, so close this slip. I need to talk to you."

Transgression (Ménage)✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora